Apr 222014

Suffusion Admin Options Settings post shows you the complete suffusion admin layout. This helps beginners and advanced users alike.

Last Updated: January 19, 2024

Latest News: Updated the documentation.

As a Suffusion user I can see how many can struggle to get around the many options this theme has especially those who are new to framework structure for themes.

The following list can help those who just started to build their site using Suffusion. It also serves as a general reference list. This was added as a request by Marius from www.floridagreenhomebrokers.com. This glossary type post will help you understand Suffusion admin panel.

Note: This is my way of saying thank you to Sayontan for developing this great theme.

The list below is separated into tabs which mimic Suffusion tab structure. Each tab has sub headings. I will be adding a tutorial to each sub heading to help you further.

The following markup and hook reference link is for advanced users and developers. Sayontan published a while back information about Hooks and Filters.

The following images are found when you click on Appearance -> Suffusion Options. Each image heading title describes each section.

Suffusion Admin Options Settings Guide



  • Welcome: Note: I have not added a link to this tab because it is very straight forward and requires no configuration. (This option simply gives you some insight about Suffusion)
  • Upgrades: Note: I have not added a link to this tab because most uses are running one of the latest versions. (This option is optional and only required if you are running a very old theme version. Most users nowadays are running the following versions 4.4.7 and 4.4.8. If you are not then I suggest that you upgrade to the latest version for security and stability. I am sure Sayontan will remove or change this option in a future release)
  • Export/Import













Other Graphical Elements


Other Graphical Elements:

Back end


Back end:




Custom Types


Custom Types:

This will be updated from time to time so keep coming back to read the latest. If you have a question or if you have a request please send me an e-mail or leave a message.


More suffusion tutorials:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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