Feb 172015

Suffusion Theme Other Graphical Elements Featured Content allows you to set up how the featured content will be displayed in your website.

Last Updated: March 9, 2018

Latest News: I have changed a menus link.

I will be adding more information soon to help you set up the featured content. There are many different options to set up. This can become challenging for some.

Suffusion Theme Other Graphical Elements Featured Content Settings

Step 1 ) Go to Appearance -> Suffusion Options -> Other Graphical Elements -> Featured Content to set up the widgets. See image below.


Step 2 ) The following Featured Content talks about what part of Suffusion you can control through these settings.

Showing Featured Posts

(Quoted from the theme)
Featured posts help bring certain posts to the top of your blog. Suffusion supports Featured Posts in multiple ways:

  • Sticky Posts
  • Selected Categories
  • Selected Posts
  • Selected Pages
  • Selected Tags

Suffusion uses the excellent JQuery Cycle to create a Featured section above your posts. Additionally you can define a “Featured Image” (preferably as wide as your blog posts). If you don’t associate a featured image, the thumbnail will be picked. And if you don’t provide a thumbnail, the first attached image will be used. Note, though, that not having a featured image will generate thumbnail size images, displaying a lot of blank space. Good practices:

  • Use featured images for every post that you want to show in your featured section.
  • Define featured images that are at least as wide as your posts.
  • Don’t use too many featured posts. Remember that this section should have useful information, not all information. Having too many posts will make your script sluggish.

Step 3 ) The following Where to Show allows you to select from the following options.

  • Main (default) page
  • Category view
  • Tag view
  • Author view
  • Search view
  • Time archive view

For all of the above you have two options Enabled or Disabled.

First page / all pages

  •  First page only
  • All pages (second, third etc)

Static Pages with Featured Content

  • Allows you to select from which static area of your website you want to show your featured content. Every website will have different static content areas. This depends entirely on the plugins you install.

Step 4 ) The following section What to Show allows you to select from the following options.

Number of Posts

  • Enter the number here. Please enter positive numeric values only

Show Duplicate Posts

  • Show duplicate posts
  • Hide duplicate posts

Show Sticky Posts

  • Show sticky posts
  • Hide sticky posts

Show Latest Posts?

  • Show latest posts
  • Hide latest posts

Number of Latest Posts

  • Enter the number here. Please enter positive numeric values only

Select Categories

  • In addition to sticky posts you can include posts from selected categories in the featured posts slider. By default no category is selected. (Once again your website will have unique categories created by you.)

Select Pages

  • Note that the inclusion is NOT hierarchical here. By default no page is selected. (Once again your website will have unique pages created by you.)

Posts to show

  • Include a comma-separated list of post ids you want to include in the featured posts

Tags to show

  • Include a comma-separated list of tags you want to include in the featured posts

Step 5 ) The following section How to Show allows you to select from the following options.

Image preference order

  • Image specified through custom Featured Image field
  • Native WP 3.0 featured image
  • Image specified through custom thumbnail field
  • Image attached to the post
  • Embedded URL in post

Featured Posts – Transition Effects

  • You can pick the effect you want to use for your featured posts’ transitions. These are effects provided by the JQuery Cycle script. Note that not all effects will look good on your blog. You should pick the one that best suits your needs

There are many effects to pick from the menu below. Choose one that suits your needs.


Featured Posts – Image synchronization

  • Show new image only after old one has cleared out fully
  • Start showing new image as the old one starts clearing out

Featured Posts – Time for each post display

  • Enter the time in milliseconds (don’t enter “ms”!)

Featured Posts – Transition speed for post

  • Enter the time in milliseconds (don’t enter “ms”!)

Featured content skinning

  • Override skinning CSS of the skin stylesheet, if applicable

Height of the Featured Posts section

  • Enter the number of pixels here (don’t enter ‘px’). Non-integers will be ignored.

Featured Posts – Show Border

  • Theme default
  • Show border
  • Hide border

Image size in featured content

  • Full size of the image
  • Custom size defined below

Custom width of featured image

  • Enter the number of pixels here (don’t enter ‘px’). Non-integers will be ignored.

Custom height of featured image

  • Enter the number of pixels here (don’t enter ‘px’). Non-integers will be ignored.

Proportional resizing

  • Inherit setting from thumbnail (Layouts ? Layout: Excerpt / List / Tile / Full ? Thumbnail settings)
  • Preserve original proportions (final size might be different from desired size)
  • Transform to desired proportions (image might get cropped)

Stretch smaller images

  • Make images stretch to full-width of the slider

Featured Posts – Display Text

  • Show post title and excerpt
  • Show post title only (no excerpt)
  • Show excerpt only (no title)
  • Don’t show any text (useful if your images have text included)

Featured Posts – Position of Text

  • Top
  • Bottom
  • Right
  • Left
  • Alternate excerpt between top and bottom
  • Alternate excerpt between left and right
  • Rotate between the four positions

Center images

  • Center the images in the slides if they are not full-size

Width of Text

  • Enter the number of pixels here (don’t enter ‘px’). Non-integers will be ignored.

Featured Posts – Text background color

  • Default: 222222 (You can copy and paste this into the box above)

Featured Posts – Text font color

  • Default: FFFFFF (You can copy and paste this into the box above)

Featured Posts – Link font color

  • Default: FFFFFF (You can copy and paste this into the box above)

Featured Posts – Post Index

  • Show Post Index below featured content
  • Show Post Index overlaid on the bottom
  • Hide Post Index

Post Index Style

  • Show numbers
  • Show bullets

Post Index Alignment

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right

Featured Posts – Pause, Previous and Next Controls

  • Show Pause, Previous and Next Controls below featured content
  • Show controls overlaid on the bottom
  • Show controls overlaid as icons
  • Hide Pause, Previous and Next Controls

Pause, Previous and Next Controls Alignment

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right


Click on the following URL Other Graphical Elements Tutorials for more other graphical elements tutorials.

If you have any questions please let me know. I will be updating this from time to time. So keep coming back for the latest.


More Suffusion Tutorials:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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