Apr 162015

Suffusion Theme Static Tabbed Sidebar allows you to control how many tabs to enable and display the different tabs according to the type of tab.

Last Updated: March 12, 2018

Latest News: I have updated the documentation below.

This sidebar setting is very handy if you want to display many tabs in a widget area. It can be displayed on the left or the right hand side, depending on your website layout.

Note: You need to have one sidebar enabled, either left or right side of your website for the tabs to display.

The following image shows you an example of how the tab bar looks on the front of the website. In the following image you can see the Five tabs, Archives, Categories, Links, Meta and Pages I selected for this tutorial.


Suffusion Theme Static Tabbed Sidebar Settings

Step 1 ) Go to Appearance -> Suffusion Options -> Sidebars -> Static Tabbed Sidebar to set up the following option. See image below.


Step 2 ) The following image Look and Feel allows you to select from the following options.

  • Enable Tabbed Sidebar
  • Do not enable the Tabbed Sidebar


Step 3 ) The following settings Alignment of Tabbed Sidebar allows you to select from the following options.

  • Right
  • Left

Step 4 ) The following settings Contents of Tabbed Sidebar allows you to select from the following options.

  • Archives
  • Categories
  • Links
  • Meta
  • Pages
  • Recent Comments
  • Recent Posts
  • Search
  • Tag Cloud
  • Custom Tab 1
  • Custom Tab 2
  • Custom Tab 3
  • Custom Tab 4
  • Custom Tab 5
  • Custom Tab 6
  • Custom Tab 7
  • Custom Tab 8
  • Custom Tab 9
  • Custom Tab 10

Step 5 ) The following settings Order of tabs in Tabbed Sidebar allows you to select in what order your tabs will appear from the following options.

  • Archives
  • Categories
  • Links
  • Meta
  • Pages
  • Recent Comments
  • Recent Posts
  • Search
  • Tag Cloud
  • Custom Tab 1
  • Custom Tab 2
  • Custom Tab 3
  • Custom Tab 4
  • Custom Tab 5
  • Custom Tab 6
  • Custom Tab 7
  • Custom Tab 8
  • Custom Tab 9
  • Custom Tab 10


Step 6 ) The following settings Categories allows you to select from the following options.

Tabbed Sidebar – Categories Title

  • Categories

Tabbed Sidebar – List categories hierarchically?

  • Categories listed hierarchically
  • Categories listed flat

Tabbed Sidebar – Show post count for each category?

  • Show Post Count
  • Hide Post Count



Step 7 ) The following settings Archives allows you to select from the following options.

Tabbed Sidebar – Archives Title

  • Archives

Tabbed Sidebar – Archive grouping

  • Yearly
  • Monthly
  • Weekly
  • Daily
  • Posts ordered by post date
  • Posts ordered by post title

Tabbed Sidebar – Archive list type

  • A bullet list
  • A dropdown list

Tabbed Sidebar – Show post count for each archive?

  • Show Post Count
  • Hide Post Count

Step 8 ) The following settings Links allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Links Title



Step 9 ) The following settings Meta allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Meta Title


Step 10 ) The following settings Pages allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Pages Title


Step 11 ) The following settings Recent Comments allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Recent Comments Title


Step 12 ) The following settings Recent Posts allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Recent Posts Title


Step 13 ) The following settings Search allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Search Title


Step 14 ) The following settings Tag Cloud allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Tag Cloud Title


Custom Tabs

Step 15 ) The following settings Custom Tab 1 allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 1 Title
  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 1 Contents


Step 16 ) The following settings Custom Tab 2 allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 2 Title
  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 2 Contents


Step 17 ) The following settings Custom Tab 3 allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 3 Title
  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 3 Contents

Step 18 ) The following settings Custom Tab 4 allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 4 Title
  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 4 Contents


Step 19 ) The following settings Custom Tab 5 allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 5 Title
  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 5 Contents


Step 20 ) The following settings Custom Tab 6 allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 6 Title
  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 6 Contents


Step 21 ) The following settings Custom Tab 7 allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 7 Title
  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 7 Contents


Step 22 ) The following settings Custom Tab 8 allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 8 Title
  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 8 Contents


Step 23 ) The following settings Custom Tab 9 allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 9 Title
  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 9 Contents


Step 24 ) The following settings Custom Tab 10 allows you to select from the following options.

  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 10 Title
  • Tabbed Sidebar – Custom Tab 10 Contents


Click on the following URL Sidebars Tutorials for more typography tutorials.

If you have any questions please let me know. I will be updating this from time to time. So keep coming back for the latest.


More Suffusion Tutorials:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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