Apr 022019

All In One Security (AIOS) plugin helps you setup this great and powerful plugin which covers and protects many WordPress areas.

Last Updated: September 25, 2024

Latest News: Updated the documentation.


All In One WP Security And Firewall Plugin

WordPress is still one of the most popular CMS platforms in 2017. This also means that more hackers are going to try and break into your site. Lucky for you All In One Security (AIOS) is here to protect your site. It has been designed and developed to protect your site from hackers and more.

All In One Security (AIOS) plugin is designed to help those who don’t have any knowledge of security and have no idea how to protect their site using a security plugin. For that reason the developers have added instructions and or information next to each option in the plugin settings. This allows you to read and understand more about each feature before you decide to enable that feature.

Note: These tutorials are based on version 5.3.0 and below. I will be updating any tutorial if changes have been made in the latest version.

All In One Security version 5.3.3 Changelog.

  • FEATURE: Added captcha option for WooCommerce classic guest checkout page.
  • FIX: Fixed responsive layout issues with dashboard notice logo on mobile devices.
  • FIX: Turnstile captcha widget showing multiple times
  • FIX: Solved memory issue for reading larger host system log file
  • FIX: Removed .htaccess options from the Settings menu on Nginx, IIS and unsupported web servers
  • FIX: Resolved UX popup issue and firewall allowlist sanitization
  • FIX: Resolved an issue where bulk table actions were still executed even if the confirmation dialog was canceled.
  • FIX: Added a null check to prevent PHP warnings in firewall rules
  • TWEAK: Ajaxified the actions in the settings, filesystem security, spam prevention and user security menu
  • and more.


GDPR (DSGVO) compliance

Currently the plugin developer has replied in the forum to help you with GDPR (DSGVO) compliance questions. Please check the following support threads to learn more. This could change in a future release.

  • Data Processing Agreement needed – Developer support thread reply.
  • GDPR (DSGVO) compliance – Developer support thread reply.
  • Still unclear if GDPR compliant – Developer support thread reply.
  • Another answer by the developer for the new owners of the plugin – Developer support thread reply.

 What you need:


WP Security Admin Menu

When you log into your WordPress admin panel, click on WP Security found on your left hand sidebar. You will see an admin menu as illustrated in the image below.


The following list of tutorials provides information about each admin tab. It also shows you how to set up each feature in admin. Some tabs have a number of total points you can gain if you enabled all features with a number value assigned to them. This number is added to the Dashboard Security Strength Meter after you have completed enabling your settings and saved them. The total achievable count in the meter is 545 points. However you will not reach this maximum amount because in some settings you can’t enable all features.


Note: The following image is displayed when you install and activate the security plugin for the first time. This allows you to setup PHP-based firewall or dismiss it. Click on the following link Firewall Advanced Settings to learn more.


All In One WP Security And Firewall Tutorials:

  1. Dashboard
    1. Audit logs
  2. Settings = Total security strength meter 5 points
    1. AIOS Import/Export Settings
  3. User security = Total security strength meter 110 points
  4. Database Security = Total security strength meter 10 points
  5. File Security = Total security strength meter 60 points
  6. Firewall Rules = Total security strength meter 160 points
    1. Firewall Advanced Settings
  7. Brute Force = Total security strength meter 160 points
    1. Captcha Settings
    2. AIOS And WooCommerce Captcha Settings
  8. Spam Prevention = Total security strength meter 20 points
  9. Scanner = Total security strength meter 20 points
  10. Tools
  11. Two Factor Auth Settings
  12. Delete Spam
  13. Pingback Protection Settings
  14. Custom Rules
  15. Allow Unlock Request
  16. How To Reset AIOS Plugin
    1. Remove All In One WP Security Database Tables
  17. Test New Users Registration AIOS
  18. Troubleshooting
  19. FAQ

Multisite Functionality


I hope the above information helps you to protect your website.

If you have any questions or need some help, you can leave a message or get in contact with me via my contact form above.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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