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All In One WP Security And Firewall Delete Spam shows you how to delete spam and block the IP address.

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

Latest News: I updated a link in the end of the documentation.

In this little tutorial I will show you how simple it is to block an IP address from comment spammers and then delete the spam comment.

What you need:

All In One Security Delete Spam

Step 1 ) Go to Comments to view your Spam and other messages. In this example you see 1 Spam message. Always check your spam just in case it is not spam.


Step 2 ) Click on WP Security -> SPAM Prevention to check, delete and block the IP address.


Step 3 ) Click on Comment SPAM IP Monitoring to check the spam.


Step 4 ) The following image SPAMMER IP Address Results allows you to select all your spam and then click on Block or Apply.

all-in-one-wp-security-firewall-block-spamStep 5 ) The following image is displayed when you select one IP address. It gives you two options OK or Cancel. Click on OK if you accept blocking of the IP address.


Step 6 ) The following image is displayed if you select more than one IP address to block. It provides the following options.

  • Check the following Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs.
  • Click on OK if you accept blocking of the IP addresses.


Step 7 ) The following image displays the status of the IP address you selected above as blocked.



Step 8 ) Go back to Comments and delete all the Spam messages. Once you delete the Spam Messages they will be removed from Step 7 ) above. These IP address will be added to WP Security -> Dashboard -> Permanent Block List.

That is all you need to do to delete the spam comments and block the IP addresses.

Note: In your case you might have a plugin that automatically deletes all spam messages. If that is the case then simply disable this feature in the plugin or alternatively delete the other plugin and keep this feature enabled.


Click on the following link Pingback Protection Settings to continue.

If you have any questions please let me know.


All In One Security (AIOS) Plugin Tutorial List

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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