Jun 132020
Photonic Native WP Galleries Generic Options

Photonic Native WP Galleries Generic Options shows you how to configure the layouts, native wp galleries and lightbox library settings and more. This post shows you how to manage native WP galleries. There are a few layouts you can choose from for your galleries and more. Once you are satisfied with your options, save the […]

Jul 312018
WP Info Using Health Check Plugin

WP Info Using Health Check Plugin helps you learn more about your wordpress, plugins, themes versions installed in your site and more. Last Updated: April 2, 2023 Latest News: Updated the wording in the tutorial list. This post shows you an example of debug information for a testing site. This information covers all areas of […]

Jul 032018
Manage And Inspect WordPress Plugins

Manage And Inspect WordPress Plugins report, provides information on the following plugins Better Plugin Compatibility, Plugin Detective and more. Last Updated: July 25, 2024 Latest News: Updated the document. The following list of plugins will help you manage and inspect your plugins. One of the plugins will also help you to make sure your plugins are […]

May 252018
The Best GDPR And Cookie Plugins For WP

The Best GDPR And Cookie Plugins For WP post provides information on the best plugins to manage your GDPR compliance. Last Updated: July 24, 2024 Latest News: Updated the version number. What is GDPR?  It is very important to make sure your site is compliant with these new laws. The following list of plugins will help […]

Apr 242018
WordPress Manage Software License Plugins

WordPress Manage Software License Plugins provides information on the following plugins Software License Manager and more coming soon. Last Updated: April 18, 2024 Latest News: Updated the documentation. When it comes to managing your software licenses in WordPress you need good professional plugins to do the job. Most users are not developers as such, but for […]

Aug 272017
Best WordPress Shortcodes Plugins

Best WordPress Shortcodes Plugins report, provides information on the following plugins Shortcodes Ultimate and more to come. Last Updated: July 8, 2024 Latest News: Updated the version number. When it comes to adding shortcodes to your posts or pages you need good reliable plugins to do the job. There are many ways to adding shortcodes […]

Jun 152017
Manage WordPress Downloads Plugins

Manage WordPress Downloads Plugins report, provides information on the following plugins Simple Download Monitor and more to come. Last Updated: March 4, 2024 Latest News: Updated the version info. There are some websites that have files to download for visitors or clients. You need good reliable plugins to manage the downloads. Of course if you are a […]