Jun 032014

All In One Security Spam Prevention helps you to configure the spam prevention feature in your site and much more.

Last Updated: March 8, 2024

Latest News: Updated the document.

The AIOS plugin has a tab called spam prevention. This tab protects the comment section in your site. This tutorial will show how to activate, maintain the spam comments section to prevent any spam from landing in your site. This also can reduce your server’s processes and resources.

List of spam prevention features:

  • Comment spam
  • Comment spam IP monitoring

What you need:

All In One Security Spam Prevention

Step 1 ) Go to WP Security -> Spam Prevention admin sidebar menu as illustrated in the image below.


Spam prevention

Step 2 ) The following image Spam prevention allows you to set up the following options.

Spam prevention settings

  • Comment spam
  • Comment spam IP monitoring


Comment spam

Step 3 ) Note: Comment spam has moved to Brute Force tab. This tab will be removed from here in the future. Click the following link Brute Force to learn more.

Step 3-a ) The following image Spam comment detect allows you to set up the following option.

Spam comment detect options

  • Detect spambots posting comments:

The following will add another 10 points score towards your security meter. (Basic Security Level)


Step 3-b ) The following image Comment processing allows you to set up the following options.

Comment processing options

  • Spam comments detected should be:
    • Discarded
    • Marked as spam
  • Trash spam comments:
    • Move spam comments to trash after x days.
  • Click on Save settings button once you complete the settings.


Comment spam IP monitoring

Step 4 ) Go to WP Security -> Spam Prevention -> Comment spam IP monitoring as illustrated in the following image to enable the following options.

Comment spam IP monitoring options

  • Enable auto block of spam comment IPs:
  • Minimum number of spam comments:
  • Click on Save settings button once you complete the settings.

The following will add another 10 points score towards your security meter. (Basic Security Level)


Step 4-a ) The following image List spammer IP addresses allows you to set up the following options.

List spammer IP addresses options

  • Minimum number of spam comments per IP:
  • Click on Find IP Addresses button once you complete this option.


Step 4-b ) The following image displays the following message when you block any ip address as pointed out in the previous step.

Note: If you don’t see this message then you have an issue probably a permissions issue.


Step 4-c ) The following image displays the number of IP addresses blocked today and the total number that have been blocked so far in your site.

The following IP addresses are added to Permanent Block List tab located under WP Security -> Dashboard.

Note: This number will be different in your site.



That is all it takes to control and prevent spam in the comments in your site.

If you have any questions please let me know.


All In One Security (AIOS) Plugin Tutorial List

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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