Aug 302021

WP Affiliate Platform Plugin tutorial shows you a list of tutorials to help you to set up your affiliate platform in your site and more.

Last Updated: September 20, 2023

Latest News: Updated the documentation.


Note: This tutorial was written using WP Affiliate Platform Version 5.9.1. The current version is WP Affiliate Platform 6.4.8 September 20, 2023. I will be updating the tutorials only when new changes and features are added.

The WordPress Affiliate Platform is an easy to use WordPress plugin for affiliate recruitment, management and tracking that can be used on any WordPress blog or site. This plugin lets you run your own affiliate campaign/program and allows you to reward (pay commission) your affiliates for referring sales.

The admin can configure banners, links and creatives which the affiliates can use on their site to drive traffic to your site. All the clicks, leads, sales etc are tracked by this plugin.

Important Links:

What You Need:

  •  WP Affiliate Platform (Note: This is an affiliated link = I get a small commission if you make a purchase.)

WP Affiliate Platform Tutorials:

  1. Settings
  2. Email Settings
  3. Autoresponder Settings
  4. WP User Settings
  5. Advanced Settings
  6. Integration Related
  7. Manage Affiliates
  8. Ads Banners
  9. Manage Leads
  10. Click Throughs
  11. Commission
  12. Manage Payouts
  13. Payouts History
  14. Troubleshooting

WP Affiliate Platform Plugin

Step 1 ) The following image displays the admin menu.

WP Affiliate Platform Menu

  • WP Affiliate
  • Settings
  • Manage Affiliates
  • Add/Edit Affiliates
  • Manage Ads
  • Add/Edit Ads
  • Manage Leads
  • Click Throughs
  • Sales/Comm Data
  • Manage Payouts
  • Payouts History


Step 2 ) Go to WP Affiliate -> WP Affiliate tab to view your current status as illustrated in the images below.

The following image allows you to view the following data using the following options.

  • Start Date:
  • End Date:
  • Click on Display Data button

Information: If this is the first time you install the plugin then you will see no status.


Step 2-a ) The following image allows you to view the following stats.

  • Overview
  • Top 10 referrers by clicks
  • Top 10 referrers by commission



I will be updating this post from time to time. So keep coming back for more.

If you have any questions please let me know.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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