Jun 282015

WordPress Simple Membership Email Settings shows you how to setup your emails for your clients notifications when they register and more.

Last Updated: February 7, 2025

Latest News: Updated the information.

In this post you will learn how to manage and set up your email notifications sent to your members and administrators. These instructions cover the following notifications.

Email Settings

  • (Prompt to Complete Registration)
  • (Registration Complete)
  • (Password Reset)
  • (Account Upgrade Notification)
  • (Bulk Account Activate Notification)

Note: All the e-mail settings below allow you to add different email shortcodes. The following URL email-merge-tags-email-shortcodes-for-email-customization has a list of all the different shortcodes you can use in the settings.

What You Need:

Simple Membership Settings Tutorials List:

WordPress Simple Membership Email Settings

Read First: How the email system works in our plugin.

Note: The following does not apply if you have enabled the email activation feature which is NOT the standard setup for this plugin.

The following settings are generally geared towards the standard default setup of the following:

For the email activation feature, it works exactly the way it is explained in our documentation before. It will not do anything else unfortunately:

Click the following forum post to learn more about the above information.


{password} Email Merge Tag

Before going ahead and adding the {password} email merge tag in your emails settings menu below, read the following note.

Using the {password} email merge tag in the email settings menu below sends the password in cleartext format. When you use that merge tag, it simply sends to the whatever they entered in that field by reading the form’s submitted value (it is only available on that registration form submission since it can read the submitted HTTP POST data before it is encrypted and stored). After that point, this field’s value cannot be read anymore.

This {password} email merge tag is a feature that many of our users requested because they want to use it on their site. If you are concern about this, go to the “Email Settings” menu and remove that merge tag from the email settings. Click on the following link forum post to learn more.

Note: The plugin DOES NOT save passwords in plain text format in the database. SWPM uses the same encrypted password system as the core WordPress system.


Email Settings

Step 1 ) Go to WP Membership -> Settings -> Email Settings tab as illustrated in the image below to set up the email options.


Email Misc. Settings

Step 2 ) Go to WP Membership -> Settings -> Email Settings -> Email Misc. Settings and complete the following options as illustrated in the image below.

Email Misc. Settings

  • From Email Address = Note: If you enter your e-mail address like [email protected] or a different email like gmail, Hotmail, yahoo etc the new subscriber will receive in their inbox an e-mail with WordPress in the inbox. If you want your company name to appear in the inbox then you need to type the following, make sure you include the greater > and less than < symbols like this. Your Company Name <[email protected]>
  • Allow HTML in Emails  = Enables HTML support in emails. We recommend using plain text (non HTML) email as it has better email delivery rate.



Q1 My organization uses GSuite for its emails. Let’s say our domain is xyz.org. If the user’s email address is [email protected] they don’t get the password reset email. If the user’s email address is something like [email protected], they DO receive the email.

Answer: The solution to the problem above was the server’s email routing. It was set to Local Mail Exchanger instead of Remote Mail Exchanger.


Email Settings (Prompt to Complete Registration)

Step 3 )  The following image Email Settings (Prompt to Complete Registration) allows you to set up the following options.

Email Settings (Prompt to Complete Registration) Options

  • Email Subject
  • Email Body


Email Settings (Registration Complete)

Step 4 )  The following image Email Settings (Registration Complete) allows you to set up the following options.

Email Settings (Registration Complete) Options

  • Email Subject
  • Email Body

Note: In version 3.6.1 a new filter was added. This filter allows you to block or stop the email to be sent to the registered person. You can read more about how to use the filter in the following URL simple-membership-miscellaneous-php-tweaks.


Admin Email Notification Settings

Step 4-a )  The next steps allows you to set up the following options.

  • Send Notification To Admin
  • Admin Email Address = You can put multiple email address separated by a comma ( , ).
  • Admin Notification Email Subject
  • Admin Notification Email Body = This allows you to configure the e-mail message received by the admin.
  • Send Email To Member When Added Via Admin Dashboard


Note: Too many users in the forum complaint about the message received by the admin when someone registers. The password is also included. This new feature Admin Notification Email Body resolves this issue by allowing the admin to received a customized message.

In the above admin custom email you can add any email tag you want in the body. This allows you to choose whether or not to include the  {password} tag. If you exclude the password tag the new member will still receive the password in their email as pointed out above in Step 2 ) Email Settings (Registration Complete).

Email Settings (Password Reset)

Step 5 ) The following image Email Settings (Password Reset) allows you to set up the following options.

Email Settings (Password Reset) Options

  • Email Subject
  • Email Body

Note: Read the following documentation password-reset-notification-email-customization to learn more.


Email Settings (Account Upgrade Notification)

Step 6 ) The following image Email Settings (Account Upgrade Notification) allows you to set up the following options.

Important: This email will also be sent when you enable “Enable Expired Account Login”

Email Settings (Account Upgrade Notification) Options

  • Email Subject
  • Email Body
  • Disable Email Notification After Upgrade


Email Settings (Bulk Account Activate Notification)

Step 7 ) The following image Email Settings (Bulk Account Activate Notification) allows you to set up the following options.

Email Settings (Bulk Account Activate Notification) Options

  • Email Subject
  • Email Body


Email Settings (Email Activation)

Step 8 ) The following image Email Settings (Email Activation) allows you to set up the following options.

Email Settings (Email Activation) Options

  • Email Subject
  • Email Body


Email Settings (Subscription Payment Canceled or Expired)

Step 9 ) The following image Email Settings (Subscription Payment Canceled or Expired) allows you to set up the following options.

Email Settings (Subscription Payment Canceled or Expired) Options

  • Send Notification to Member
  • Email Subject
  • Email Body
  • Send Notification to Admin
  • Admin Email Address
  • Click on Save Changes button when you finish with the settings


Troubleshooting Tips

Q1 I am having issues with my email. What can I do to fix this?

Answer: Click the following link email sending issues on your site to view some troubleshooting steps.


Q2 If you receive the following email, you need to use a third party plugin to control WordPress core default email system. WordPress sends a notification email when a user’s password is changed.

Hi member,

This notice confirms that your password was changed on [WEBSITE NAME.]

If you did not change your password, please contact the Site Administrator at
[[email protected] ]

This email has been sent to [MEMBERS EMAIL ADDRESS]


Solution 1: The following plugin can help you turn off the email sent by WordPress when a user’s password is changed:

Solution 2: The following plugin allows you to edit the message sent.




Q1 In which table is the email entries saved in the Database?

Answer: Those settings values are stored in the options table of WP. It uses the standard settings value saving mechanism of WordPress. Check the following link forum post to learn more.


Q2 Is there an expiration time period for activation links sent via the email registration?

Answer: It will get cleaned out after 24 hours (roughly). The email activation is a feature that is meant to be used while the user is actively registering/setting up the account.

The normal use case is the following: The user should be submitting the registration form, then looking for the email to click on the activation URL. Check the following link forum post to learn more.


The above instructions will help you manage your email settings.

Click on the following URL Tools to continue with the settings.

If you have any questions please let me know.


Simple Membership Plugin Tutorial List:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

  4 Responses to “WordPress Simple Membership Email Settings”

  1. Tried this BT emails r not gnh

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