Jun 232015

Suffusion Theme Query Posts Widget shows you how to set up this very powerful widget to display your posts based on a category.

Last Updated: November 15, 2018

Latest News: I fixed a broken link.

This post shows you the many options this widget has for you to configure.You need to spend some time understanding every option and what they do when selected. Once the widget is set up in accordance to your desires, it will display all your posts based on your settings and category selection.

There was a question made below in regards to adding clickable widget titles in Suffusion. As far as I know Suffusion and or WordPress does not have that feature added unless you use a plugin. Here is a plugin I found that should work for you HTML-in-widget-titles.

Suffusion Theme Query Posts Widget Steps

Step 1 ) Go to Appearance -> Widgets -> Query Posts to set up the widget. The following image allows you to set up the following options.

  • Title: (You can use shortcodes here.) Quoted in the Widget
  • Number of posts to display:
  • Order:
  • Order by:
  • Post display style:
  • Post thumbnail size (if applicable):
  • Sticky Posts:
  • Select category to show: (Posts from the selected category will show in the widget) Quoted in the Widget
  • Category Icon: (You can choose to display an icon for the category based on the Category Icons plugin, or a custom image.) Quoted in the Widget
  • Category icon custom image link: (If you have chosen to use a custom image in the previous option, please enter the complete URL of the category icon here, including http://) Quoted in the Widget
  • Show posts with these tags: (Enter a comma-separated list of tags. Posts will be filtered by these tags.) Quoted in the Widget
  • Show posts with these ids: (Enter a comma-separated list of post ids. Only matching posts will be shown.) Quoted in the Widget
  • Post formats to include:
  • Include all post types
  • Show each post as a separate widget (full posts only)


Step 2 ) The following image allows you to set up the following options.

  • Post excerpt length (if applicable):
  • Text for “All Posts”: (The text you enter here will be the displayed in the button for “All Posts”. If you leave this field blank the button will not be shown.) Quoted in the Widget
  • Link for “All Posts”: (The text you enter here will be the linked to the “All Posts” button. If you leave this field blank the category page will be linked.) Quoted in the Widget
  • Set the height for the category icon: (The image you have picked will be scaled to this height.) Quoted in the Widget
  • Set the width for the category icon: (The image you have picked will be scaled to this width.) Quoted in the Widget

You can also click on the following links Delete or Close. Remember to click on Save button to save your settings.


I hope this tutorial helps you.

If you have any question please let me know. I will be updating this post from time to time.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

  2 Responses to “Suffusion Theme Query Posts Widget”

  1. Hi, thank you for the post. I am using query post in widgets on my site. Problem is how do I make the page or category title clickable? For example, on the front page of http://www.yogabodywork.org/, the About widget in the wide sidebar under header would benefit from a clickable “About”.
    The three columns, which show category titles, would all benefit from a clickable title.
    Appreciate your expertise.

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