Jun 122020
Simple Membership Payments And Transactions

Simple Membership Payments And Transactions shows you how to setup PayPal, Stripe and Braintree payment buttons and more. Last Updated: February 2, 2024 Latest News: Updated the documentation. These settings allow you to set up a PayPal, Stripe and Braintree account for your premium membership levels that requires a payment method. Remember that you can […]

Jun 012020
Simple Membership Plugin Category Protection

Simple Membership Plugin Category Protection post shows you how to protect your categories and more. Last Updated: April 6, 2022 Latest News: Updated the documentation. The simple membership plugin allows you to protect categories as well. When you protect a category, all the posts that belongs to that category also gets protected automatically. In this tutorial […]

Nov 022019
WordPress Simple Membership General Settings

WordPress Simple Membership General Settings post shows you how to setup the plugins general settings including debug log and more. Last Updated: April 30, 2024 Latest News: Updated the information. Simple Membership plugin is simple, easy to configure and setup. There are a few configurations under the General Settings tab. These settings include membership URLs […]

Oct 242019
Edit Simple Membership Default English Strings

Edit Simple Membership Default English Strings post shows you how to edit the English language default strings in a few steps. Last Updated: January 25, 2023 Latest News: Updated the documentation. The default English language for SMP “Simple Membership Plugin” strings are simple and easy to read. However there might be times when you might want […]

Oct 172019
WP eMember Membership Plugin

WP eMember Membership Plugin shows you how to create a membership website easily and add various membership levels and more. Last Updated: September 20, 2023 Latest News: Updated the documentation. Note: The plugin current version is WP eMember 10.6.0 September 20, 2023. Click on the following link wordpress-emember-change-log to learn more about the latest changes. WP […]

Aug 022017
WP eMember Plugin Dashboard Information

WP eMember plugin Dashboard Information shows you information about your members activities, active members, their levels, IDs and more. Last Updated: September 25, 2020 Latest News: Updated the documentation. Sometimes as an administrator you want to know what is going on in your membership site. The following Membership Stats can provide just that, information about […]