Aug 062017

WP eMember Plugin Payments Settings shows you how to setup PayPal and Braintree payment gateways, search your members transactions.

Last Updated: October 17, 2019

Latest News: Updated a link.

These settings allows you to set up a PayPal and Braintree account for your membership levels that requires a payment. Remember that you can also have free membership levels added as well.

WP eMember Plugin Payments Settings

WP eMember Payments

Step 1 ) Go to WP eMeber -> Payments to view and set up the following options.

Payment Options

  • Transactions
  • Manage Payment Buttons
  • Create New Button

You can keep transaction records here for future reference or you can delete the transaction record for one or all members.


Once you start receiving payments in your site, you will have the option to search for a transaction by using email, name or transaction ID. You can also organize how you want your transactions displayed.

The following fields help you identify the payment transactions carried out on your site by your new members.

  • Row ID = You can organize the display using this field.
  • Email Address
  • First Name
  • Last Name = You can organize the display using this field.
  • Date = You can organize the display using this field.
  • Transaction ID
  • Subscriber ID
  • Amount
  • Membership Level = You can organize the display using this field.
  • Member Profile

Create New Button

Step 2 ) The following image Create New Button allows you to select from one of the following payment buttons.

  • PayPal Buy Now
  • PayPal Subscription
  • Braintree Buy Now
  • Once you have selected which button to create click on Next button to start creating your payment button.


PayPal Buy Now Button Setup

Step 4 ) After you select PayPal Buy Now button from Step 2 ) above, you will have to the following options to set up.

PayPal Buy Now Setup

  • Button Title
  • Membership Level
  • Payment Amount
  • Payment Currency
  • Return URL
  • PayPal Email
  • Button Image URL

PayPal Subscription Button Setup

Step 5 ) After you select PayPal Subscription button from Step 2 ) above, you will have to the following options to set up.

PayPal Subscription Setup

  • Button Title
  • Membership Level
  • Payment Currency
  • PayPal Email
  • Billing Amount Each Cycle
  • Billing Cycle
  • Billing Cycle Count
  • Re-attempt on Failure

Trial Billing Details (Leave empty if you are not offering a trial period)

  • Trial Billing Amount
  • Trial Billing Period

Optional Details

  • Return URL
  • Button Image URL

Braintree Buy Now Button Setup

Step 7 ) After you select Braintree Buy Now button from Step 2 ) above, you will have to the following options to set up.

Braintree Buy Now Button Configuration

  • Button Title
  • Membership Level
  • Payment Amount

Braintree API keys. You can get this from your Braintree account.

  • Merchant ID
  • Public Key
  • Private Key
  • Merchant Account ID

The following details are optional.

  • Return URL

Click on the following URL Free Membership Level Setup to continue with the settings.

If you have any questions please let me know. I will be updating this tutorial from time to time.


eMember Plugin Tutorial List:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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