Mar 222015
First Time Blogging WordPress Backup

First Time Blogging WordPress Backup covers information about different backup plugins and the importance of creating regular backups. Last Updated: December 3, 2019 Latest News: Updated the documentation. Photo by woodsy from Rgbstock website. First Time Blogging WordPress Backup The first step you need to take is to install a backup plugin and create a backup […]

Aug 162014
WordPress Backup Plugins

WordPress Backup Plugins report, provides information on the following BackWPup, Duplicator, UpdraftPlus and XCloner and more. Last Updated: July 25, 2024 Latest News: Updated the version information. It is very important to backup your website daily if it is a very popular website or regularly like once a week. There are many ways for you […]

Jul 022014
UpdraftPlus Backup Advanced Tools Tab

UpdraftPlus Backup Advanced Tools provides server and site information that can help you troubleshoot issues you might run into. Last Updated: July 4, 2020 Latest News: Updated the documentation.   This documentation displays information about the server, site and plugin settings and more. You don’t really need to do anything here unless you run into issues […]

Jul 022014
UpdraftPlus Backup Restore Settings

UpdraftPlus Backup Restore Settings shows you how to configure the settings, file backups, database backups, schedule backups and more. Last Updated: July 4, 2020 Latest News: Updated the documentation. The following tutorial talks about the different options you can enable for your backups including the storage areas. The default settings when you install the plugins […]

Jul 022014
UpdraftPlus Backup Restore Existing Backups

UpdraftPlus Backup Restore Existing Backups shows you how to backup and restore your website and more. Last Updated: July 4, 2020 Latest News: Updated the documentation. This tutorials shows you how the restoration process is carried out by UpdraftPlus. This is very simple and easy to follow steps. If you run into issues during your restoration, […]

Dec 042013
Backup Restore WordPress Using UpdraftPlus Backups

Backup Restore WordPress Using UpdraftPlus Backups plugin tutorial teaches you how to backup WordPress using UpdraftPlus Backups plugin. Last Updated: July 5, 2024 Latest News: Updated the menu. UpdraftPlus is a very simple plugin to set up and manage your backups. It has many advanced options and many premium addons to increase the functionality of the plugin. […]