Oct 082017

WP BackWPup Plugins Settings post talks about the plugins following settings, general, jobs, logs, network, api key and information. BackWPup plugin is a great backup plugin. But before you begin to create new backups, you need to review the following settings. These settings cover different areas of the plugin. BackWPup Settings General Jobs Logs Network […]

Mar 222015
First Time Blogging WordPress Backup

First Time Blogging WordPress Backup covers information about different backup plugins and the importance of creating regular backups. Last Updated: December 3, 2019 Latest News: Updated the documentation. Photo by woodsy from Rgbstock website. First Time Blogging WordPress Backup The first step you need to take is to install a backup plugin and create a backup […]

Aug 162014
WordPress Backup Plugins

WordPress Backup Plugins report, provides information on the following BackWPup, Duplicator, UpdraftPlus and XCloner and more. Last Updated: July 25, 2024 Latest News: Updated the version information. It is very important to backup your website daily if it is a very popular website or regularly like once a week. There are many ways for you […]

Mar 162014
Restore WordPress Using BackWPup

Restore WordPress Using BackWPup tutorial will guide you and help you to restore your WordPress backup to the same server using BackWPup plugin. Last Updated: April 7, 2019 Latest News: I fixed a broken link. For this tutorial, I created a backup. After the back up was created I deleted all the website files on […]

Mar 162014
Add A New BackWPup Job Files Settings

Add A New BackWPup Job Files Settings will show you how to configure the following settings files, plugins, external backup for the new job. Last Updated: October 8, 2017 Latest News: I have changed the menu structure below. BackWPup Backup Plugin Tutorials: Backup Plugin Settings Add A New Job Add A New Job File Settings […]