Aug 312017
Install WordPress In Your Own Language

Install WordPress In Your Own Language shows you how to set up WordPress in your own language if the language exist and much more. Last Updated: July 3, 2020 Latest News: Updated the documentation. The following instructions shows you how to set up WordPress in your own language. In this tutorial the language of choice […]

Nov 132014
WordPress Translation Plugins

WordPress Translation Plugins report, provides information on the following plugins Polylang, Loco Translate and more. Last Updated: July 24, 2024 Latest News: Updated the documentation. Everyone knows how important it is to get your website content read by the whole world. Unfortunately realistically  speaking this is not possible. However you should be able to translate your […]

May 222014
Translating My Blog In Spanish

Last Updated: February 09, 2015 Translating My Blog In Spanish post is about letting you know that I have started translating my blog into Spanish. I had a request by a Spanish friend who can’t read English to translate it into Spanish. The journey has begun and what I will do is post one by one […]

Apr 302014
About WordPress theme Suffusion

About WordPress Theme Suffusion page talks about the potential and how powerful Suffusion theme is and more. Last Updated: December 28, 2023 Latest news: Updated the documentation. Suffusion Is a very powerful theme with a very intuitive framework that you can develop further to create great designs. There are so many options available for you […]

Apr 012014
Translate Suffusion Theme Into Another Language

The following Translate Suffusion Theme into Another Language tutorial shows you how to translate Suffusion theme into Spanish using a child theme. Last Updated: January 1, 2024 Latest News: Update the documentation. “Note: This tutorial is based on a child theme. If you are using the parent theme, the translation folder and languages are already […]