Apr 302014

About WordPress Theme Suffusion page talks about the potential and how powerful Suffusion theme is and more.

Last Updated: December 28, 2023

Latest news: Updated the documentation.


Is a very powerful theme with a very intuitive framework that you can develop further to create great designs. There are so many options available for you to change that at the beginning it might be a bit overwhelming. You will need some time to get to master and get to know the theme. I highly recommend this theme if you are very keen in developing a great blog, website using all the features it has to offer.

This is what Sayontan Sinha says about this theme. An elegant, versatile and browser-safe theme with a power-packed set of options. It has 19 widget areas, one-column, two-column and three-column fixed-width and flexible-width formats, 10 pre-defined templates, 18 pre-defined color schemes, two customizable multi-level drop-down menus, featured posts, a magazine layout, tabbed sidebars, widgets for Twitter, Social Networks and Google Translator, translations in many languages and RTL language support. WP 3.0 Menus, Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies are integrated. A BuddyPress support pack is available as a plugin for smooth BuddyPress integration.

About WordPress theme Suffusion

The following image illustrates the different areas you can add widgets and menus in Suffusion. The theme gives you total control of all possible layouts for a website or blog.


Below is a list of all the different areas and positions you can add widgets and menus to your site to create your customize designs. You can see how flexible the framework is.

Framework Designs

  • Top Bar L Widgets
  • Navigation Bar Above Header
  • Top Bar R Widgets
  • Widgets Above Header
  • Header
  • Header Widgets
  • L Header Widgets
  • Navigation Bar Below Header
  • R Header Widgets
  • Widgets Area Below Header
  • Main Content
  • Wide Sidebar (Top)
  • Sidebar 2
  • Sidebar 1
  • Sidebar 2 (Bottom)
  • Sidebar 1 (Bottom)
  • Wide Sidebar (Bottom)
  • Widget Area Above Footer
  • Footer

This theme will not disappoint you, with all the features it has. Go ahead and install it on your WordPress website/ blog. The theme is licensed under GPL version 3.

I have published some tutorials, to help you and get you started. Click on the following URL Suffusion Theme Tutorials to get started.

You might also be interested in the following URL WordPress Plugins Compatibility, which talks about some of the best plugins for WordPress. These plugins are latest release, beta release and candidate release versions. I also recommend some of these plugins for Suffusion theme.

If you run into any issues with Suffusion, click on the following URL suffusion issues to get help. The support team will help you with all your questions.


I hope my tutorials help you manage this this great Theme.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

  2 Responses to “About WordPress theme Suffusion”

  1. Hola,
    En primer lugar quiero darte las gracias por compartir tus comocimientos y después te diré que tengo mucho interés en aprender sobre wordpress y la plantilla suffusion; pero cuando intento instalarla en xampp me sale este mensaje:

    El archivo subido excede la directiva upload_max_filesize en php.ini.

    Y a partir de aquí, por mi escaso conocimiento, no se que hacer.
    Me podrias indicar algun totorial paso a paso para superar este problema?
    Lo puedes hacer tu mismo?

    • Hola Ancor, gracias por tu pregunta. Creo que entiendes el Inglés y por eso me has respondido por aquí.

      Si lees unos de mi temas escrito en Inglés acerca de xampp te ayudar con tu pregunta. El error que has recibido no tiene nada que ver con Suffusion es una configuración que tienes que cambiar en servidor local, “xampp”.

      Espero que esto te pueda ayudar. Si necesitas mas informacion mandame un mensaje.


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