May 252023
All In One Security Advanced Settings

All In One Security Advanced Settings helps you setup or downgrade the php based security settings in the plugin for your site. Last Updated: March 11, 2024 Latest News: Updated the document and fixed a broken link to an image. This post provides information about the php-based security settings. Setting up the php-based security provides […]

Aug 042022
MailPoet Emails and Newsletters Advanced Settings

MailPoet Emails and Newsletters Advanced Settings shows you how to set up the advanced features like bounce email address and much more. Last Updated: August 4, 2022 Latest News: I have updated the documentation to reflect MailPoet version 3. This tutorial shows you how to customize the advanced plugin settings. Below is a small list of […]

Jun 112019
Hyper Cache Advanced Settings

Hyper Cache Advanced Settings shows you how to configure the cache advanced settings, enable on the fly compression, cache folder and more. Last Updated: August 29, 2021 Latest News: Updated the documentation. Here you will learn more about Hyper Cache advanced features. You need to make sure you test these features thoroughly before enabling them or […]

Aug 072018
WordPress TinyMCE Advanced Plugin Settings

WordPress TinyMCE Advanced Plugin Settings post shows you the different options and buttons you can enable in the plugin to improve the tinymce editor. Last Updated: August 18, 2023 Latest News: I updated the changelog. Most people nowadays have used a word processor to type emails or documents. WordPress visual and html editors works in […]

Dec 052017
ClassiPress WordPress Theme Admin Settings

ClassiPress WordPress Theme Admin Settings post will show you how to setup and manage the dashboard admin settings and more. Last Updated: November 4, 2020 Latest Update: Updated the documentation. In this post you will learn how to set up ClassiPress dashboard admin settings. You will also learn about security, email, pricing, system info and […]