May 232023
All In One Security Audit Logs

All In One Security Audit Logs will help you keep an eye on your site to let you know what is happening on your desktop. Last Updated: March 6, 2024 Latest News: Updated the information. This post talks about AIOWPS audit logs files located in the dashboard. The information provided by the audit logs is very […]

May 202023
Google Search Console Tool Broken Links Tutorial

Google Search Console Tool Broken Links Tutorial shows you how easy it is to fix and repair broken links, URL and 404 page not found errors in your website. Last Updated: May 21, 2023 Latest News: Updated the information. This tutorial is written for web developers and website administrators wanting to investigate and repair broken links. […]

May 162023
WordPress Gutenberg Editor Post Settings

WordPress Gutenberg Editor Post Settings shows you how to setup all the different options available for a post and much more. Last Updated: July 14, 2023 Latest News: Updated missing broken link. The following tutorial shows you how to organize the information displayed in a post. You can choose when to publish a post, add […]

May 102023
WordPress Posts Settings Advanced Options

WordPress Posts Settings Advanced Options post helps you understand the extra settings available when you edit or add a new post. Last Updated: May 16, 2023 Latest News: Updated the documentation. Post are very important in a website especially if it is a blog. The following instructions helps you decide what extra information you want to […]

Feb 012023
MailPoet Wizard Setup

MailPoet Wizard Setup shows you how to setup the basic settings in the plugin before you configure the rest options in the plugin. In this post you will learn how to setup the basic settings in MailPoet before you can begin to configure the rest of the settings. These steps are optional and you can […]

Jan 242023
Translate Simple Membership Using Loco Translate

Translate Simple Membership Using Loco Translate shows you how to translate the plugin into your language using Loco Translate plugin. Last Updated: February 1, 2023 Latest News: Updated the documentation. The following instructions shows you how to translate the Simple Membership plugin into the language of your choice. In this example the language chosen for […]

Oct 302022
WP The SEO Framework Schema Settings

WP The SEO Framework Schema Settings helps you configure the structured data for search engines and more. This markup is represented within hidden scripts throughout the website. When your web pages include structured data markup, search engines can use that data to index your content better, present it more prominently in search results, and use it […]

Aug 242022
WP Simple Membership Blacklisting and Whitelisting

WP Simple Membership Blacklisting and Whitelisting shows you how to control access to your membership site via the blacklist and whitelist options. Last Updated: December 18, 2023 Latest News: Updated the changelog version in the document. Simple Membership plugin continues to grow and the developers continue to add more functionality. This new feature Blacklisting and Whitelisting […]