Jun 192020
Manually Update And Delete Media Files In WP

Manually Update And Delete Media Files In WP shows you how to replace your media files in a post or page and much more. Last Updated: July 6, 2020 Latest News: Updated the documentation. There are times when you want to edit your posts or pages and you probably want to replace some of the old […]

Jan 102018
How To Create Windows 10 Recovery Media

The following post How To Create Windows 10 Recovery Media shows you how to create a recovery media as a backup just in case your system crashes. Last Updated: September 15, 2020 Lastes News: Updated the documentation. This tutorial show you how to create a recovery media for your computer/laptop or other for other computers/laptops. […]

Feb 022017
Manage WordPress Media Library Plugins

Manage WordPress Media Library Plugins report, provides information on the following plugins Enhanced Media Library and more. Last Updated: July 3, 2024 Latest News: Updated the version information. When it comes to managing your WordPress media library files you need good plugins to do the job. I think it is best to always use a […]

Jan 282015
Optimize Images Using EWWW Image Optimizer Plugin

Optimize Images Using EWWW Image Optimizer Plugin post shows you how to quickly optimize your images through Media in admin. Last Updated: June 21, 2024 Latest News: Updated the changelog. Nowadays many website owners are spending a lot of time making sure their WordPress websites is fast for SEO purposes. This keeps search engines like Google […]

Nov 122014
WordPress Image Editing Advanced Settings

WordPress Image Editing Advanced Settings post talks about the advanced settings available when you edit an image in a post or page. Last Updated: July 30, 2019 Latest News: I edited the information below. The following information talks about the advanced options available when editing an image. en inserting images. The changes have improved substantially […]

Apr 142014
Latest WordPress Changes Image Editing

Latest WordPress Changes Image Editing post talks about the changes made to WordPress inserting of an image into a post or page. Last Updated: July 30, 2019 Latest News: I added another image. There are constant changes made to WordPress versions to improve the functionality in the admin backend. In this post I will illustrate […]