Jan 102018

The following post How To Create Windows 10 Recovery Media shows you how to create a recovery media as a backup just in case your system crashes.

Last Updated: September 15, 2020

Lastes News: Updated the documentation.

This tutorial show you how to create a recovery media for your computer/laptop or other for other computers/laptops. It is important to have a recovery media ready with the latest version of Windows 10, just in case one of the following issues happens to you.

Possible Scenario:

  • The master boot sector is corrupted and you don’t have a backup.
  • Windows does not allow you boot in recovery mode.
  • Your hard disk is corrupted or your primary partition is corrupted.
  • You no longer have a recovery drive in your laptop because you formatted the recovery partition.

How To Create Windows 10 Recovery Media

Step 1 ) First go to the following URL software-download windows 10 to learn more about downloading Windows 10. This site also provides a link to download the following tool Media Creation Tool

Note: Make you always the latest version of Media Creation Tool available.

Step 2 ) Select the following option Create installation media. This will allow you to create your recover media to use later on. Make sure you keep it in a safe place.

Note: You can choose to Upgrade this PC now option. But for this tutorial the other options is selected.


Step 3 ) Enable the following option Use the recommended options for this PC. The language, architecture and edition will be selected for you by default as per your current installation.


Step 4 ) Choose which media you want to use for your recovery. In this example I selected ISO file.

Important: Even though I mentioned creating an ISO file, nowadays it is better to create a USB flash drive. CDs and DVDs are becoming obsolete.


Step 5 ) Choose where you want to download Windows 10 ISO file and give it a proper file name. The following image shows you the file name Windows10-64bit entered for the ISO file.

Note: You can always rename the file once it is downloaded to a different name.


Step 6 ) The following windows shows you the downloading process. Depending on your Internet connection it will take a bit. The size of the file is nearly 4 GB.


Step 7 ) Once the file is downloaded make sure you burn the ISO file into a DVD. If you chose to download into a USB memory stick then the process is different. 

That is all you have to do to have a copy of Windows 10 in a DVD or USB memory stick. And hopefully you never need to use it.

Recommended Links:

I will be updating this tutorial in the future. So keep coming back for the latest updates.

If you have any questions please let me know.


Windows 10 Tutorials List:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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