Aug 212015
Hyper Cache Personal Settings

Hyper Cache Personal Settings shows you my personal settings for this plugin that helps this website load fast and improves my SEO. Last Updated: August 29, 2021 Latest News: Updated the documentation. Hyper is a small and easy plugin to configure. In comparison to other complex cache plugins in WordPress repository, there is not much […]

Jan 282015
Optimize Images Using EWWW Image Optimizer Plugin

Optimize Images Using EWWW Image Optimizer Plugin post shows you how to quickly optimize your images through Media in admin. Last Updated: June 21, 2024 Latest News: Updated the changelog. Nowadays many website owners are spending a lot of time making sure their WordPress websites is fast for SEO purposes. This keeps search engines like Google […]

Jan 122015
WordPress Optimize CSS And JS Plugins

WordPress Optimize CSS And JS Plugins report, provides information on the following plugins Autoptimize, Fast Velocity Minify and more. Last Updated: April 9, 2024 Latest News: Updated the version information. The following list of plugins will help you minify and optimize CSS and JS files and more. This will help you improve your website speed and performance. […]

Feb 072013
W3 Total Cache Troubleshooting

W3 Total Cache Troubleshooting post will help you resolve some of the issues that keep occurring with this great plugin. The information below is a collection from the website. I decided to write this post to help everyone that needs some tips or needed to resolve their issue and could find as many solutions […]