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First Time Blogging Improve WordPress Speed talks about different cache plugins you can use to speed up your website like Hyper Cache and WP Fastest Cache.

Last Updated: December 18, 2018

Latest News: I have added more information below.

Photo by woodsy from Rgbstock website.


First Time Blogging Improve WordPress Speed

Website loading speed is one of the most important factors today for online businesses, online services, social media and more. If your website loads up very slow the chances are you will loose business and potential members. Your site should load in between 1 and 3 seconds. 3 seconds being the max you should allow for your site to load. Although these numbers are ideal, you will not always achieve that. Some pages will have too many images, social buttons, slideshows, popup windows etc.

The information provided here will help you try to achieve those goals.

Cache Plugins

There are 2 major plugins many know about which help to improve your site speed substantially. I have used both in the past and they do the job, however W3 Total Cache is very challenging to configure. You need to be an expert and know what you are doing or else you will get the famous white screen of death and or other issues. It is still a great cache plugin.

There are other cache plugins that I have started to use on some sites. You might like to read the following URL WordPress Cache Plugins to learn more of other caching plugins I recommend.

The following URL WordPress Performance Plugins provides a list of plugins to improve your site performance.

You might like to also read the following documentation How To Speed Up WordPress Easy Steps. This will also help you improve your site speed.

Speed Test Tools or Services

  1. Google speed test
  2. Google mobile speed
  3. Gtmetrix
  4. WP Engine WordPress Speed Test.

Optimize Images

Optimizing images will also help improve the speed of your site. This is also important for SEO. By reducing the weight and sizes of your images, your site will load faster. This means that visitors will stay and not move away from your site.

You might like to check some of the plugins and online tools I recommend to optimize your images.

Image Optimizing Plugin List:

Image Optimizing Online List:


You can also check my WordPress setup tutorials. I am constantly adding new tutorials.

Click on the following URL Copyright to continue with the setup.

If you have any questions please let me know. I will be updating this post from time to time so keep coming back for the latest.


First Time Blogging Using WordPress List:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

  4 Responses to “First Time Blogging Improve WordPress Speed”

  1. WP Fastest cache is awesome. I’m using it on my blog and results are pretty good. Thanks for this useful article.

    • Hi Suresh, thank you for your comment. Yes I agree about WP Fastest Cache. The support and energy put into this plugin by Emre Vona is impressive.


      • Hello Manuel,

        Yes their support is appreciable. May I know the cache plugin you are using on your blog. What’s your recommended plugin?

        • Hi Suresh, currently I am using 3 plugins. Hyper Cache, Autoptimize and Speed Booster Pack. I am getting great results plus I am hosting my website on a VPS server.


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