Oct 302016

WordPress Optimize Images Plugins provides information on the following plugins EWWW Image Optimizer, Compress JPEG and more.

Last Updated: July 12, 2024

Latest News: Updated the version info.

When you add images to your site, the images will be made up of different sizes and weight. These images can make the pages and post heavy, thus slowing down the loading of your site in the browser. That can also affect the performance, speed and to some degree it can also affect your sites SEO. One action you can take to improve this is by optimizing the images. Most of you won’t do this because it becomes tedious and a nuisance. That is why a good image optimizing plugin can help you. There are also services that allow you to optimize your images before you upload them to your site.

Note: Optimizing images reduces the size and weight and improves the loading speed.

The following list of plugins will help you optimize the image sizes and weight.

  • EWWW Image Optimizer
  • Compress JPEG & PNG images
  • WP Smush – Image Optimization
  • Imsanity
  • Regenerate Thumbnails
  • Resmushit Image Optimizer
  • Robin Image Optimizer

Information: Always remember to try and not have too many plugins added to your website or blog. The more plugins you add the more request and processing resources it requires to use from your server!!!

Please read the following link Help Support WordPress Plugins And Themes Developers to help support the developers.

WordPress Optimize Images Plugins



EWWW Image Optimizer

Reduce file sizes for images within WordPress including NextGEN, GRAND FlAGallery and more. Uses jpegtran, optipng, pngout, pngquant, and gifsicle.

Important: This plugin has now reached more than 33 million downloads and more than 1 million active installations.

Note: You might like to read the following tutorial Optimize Images Using EWWW Image Optimizer Plugin.

Version 7.7.0 | By nosilver4u | Last Updated: May 31, 2024 | Compatible up to WordPress 6.5.5



Compress JPEG & PNG images

Speed up your website. Optimize your JPEG and PNG images automatically with TinyPNG.

Important: This plugin has now reached more than 1 million downloads and more than 200 thousands active installations.

Note: You might like to read the following tutorial How To Manually Optimize Images In WordPress.

Version 3.4.3 | By TinyPNG | Last Updated: July 12, 2024 | Compatible up to WordPress 6.6



Smush – Lazy Load Images, Optimize & Compress

Reduce image file sizes, improve performance and boost your SEO using the free WPMU DEV WordPress Smush API.

Important: This plugin has now reached more than 47 million downloads and more than 1 million active installations.

Version 3.16.5 | By WPMU DEV, Alex Dunae | Last Updated: June 27, 2024 | Compatible up to WordPress 6.5.5




Imsanity automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually scaling? Imsanity to the rescue!

Important: This plugin has now reached more than 3 million downloads and more than 300 thousands active installations.

Version 2.8.4 | By nosilver4u, Jason | Last Updated: May 3, 2024 | Compatible up to WordPress 6.5.5



Regenerate Thumbnails

Regenerate Thumbnails allows you to regenerate the thumbnails for your image attachments. This is very handy if you’ve changed any of your thumbnail dimensions (via Settings -> Media) after previously uploading images or have changed to a theme with different featured post image dimensions.

You can either regenerate the thumbnails for all image uploads, individual image uploads, or specific multiple image uploads.

Important: This plugin has now reached more than 20 million downloads and more than 1 million active installations.

Version 3.1.6 | By Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) | Last Updated: August 17, 2023 | Compatible up to WordPress 6.3.5



Resmushit Image Optimizer

reSmush.it Image Optimizer allow to use free Image optimization based on reSmush.it API. reSmush.it provides image size reduction based on several advanced algorithms. The API accept JPG, PNG and GIF files up to 5MB.

This plugin includes a bulk operation to optimize all your pictures in 2 clicks ! Change your image optimization level to fit your needs !
This service is used by more than **400,000php websites on different CMS (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, Prestashop…).

Important: This plugin has now reached more than 2 million downloads and more than 100 thousands active installations.

Version 1.0.3 | By Way2enjoy | Last Updated: June 12, 2024 | Compatible up to WordPress 6.5.5



Robin Image Optimizer

Make your website faster by reducing the weight of images. Our WordPress image optimizer plugin can cease image weights on 80% without any loss of quality.

Robin image optimizer is a smart and advanced image optimizer that really stands out among other WordPress plugins. Robin image optimizer is a WordPress free image optimizer plugin with zero limitations in terms of number of images and optimization quality. The only thing that you may stumble across is the image weight, which shouldn’t exceed 5 MB.

Version 1.6.9 | By Webcraftic | Last Updated: April 3, 2024 | Compatible up to WordPress 6.5.5


This list will change from time to time and it will grow with more plugins added. Please keep coming back to review the changes and additions.

If you have a questions please let me know


Best WordPress Plugins For Blogs List:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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