Dec 192019
WP Contact Form 7 Default Settings

WP Contact Form 7 Default Settings post talks about the default form settings, when you fist install the plugin and more. Last Updated: June 19, 2024 Latest News: Updated the version number in this page. Contact Form 7 version 5.9.6 changelog WordPress has many different contact forms available for you to download. Contact Form […]

Aug 272019
Setup Very Simple Contact Form Widget

Setup Very Simple Contact Form Widget post shows you how to set up and add the plugins widget to the sidebar in your site. Last Updated; May 20, 2021 Latest News: Updated the documentation. Very Simple Contact Form Widget allows you to display a contact form anywhere in your site as long as your theme […]

Aug 262019
Very Simple Contact Form Plugin

Very Simple Contact Form Plugin post helps you set up and configure this very simple contact form and more. Last Updated; June 4, 2024 Latest News: Updated the document changelog. VS Contact Form 16.1 Changelog Fix: typo ====================== WordPress has many different contact forms available for you to download. However some of them a very […]

Apr 112018
WordPress WPForms Lite Plugin Tools

WordPress WPForms Lite Plugin Tools post shows you how to use the following tools import, export and know the current system information. Last Updated: January 4, 2021 Latest News: Updated the documentation. This post shows you how to use the tools available in the plugin and how to view the system information. The following is […]

Oct 112016
Fast Secure Contact Form Customize DIV Formatting

Fast Secure Contact Form Customize DIV Formatting shows you how to format a standard form through the Style tab much more. Last Updated: January 12, 2019 Latest News: I have updated the information below. The plugin controls the form design using different HTML DIV containers and applying custom CSS code.  In this post you are going […]

Sep 182016
Fast Secure Contact Form Set Default Field Checkbox Selected

Fast Secure Contact Form Set Default Field Checkbox Selected helps you set up a default value in your form for example using a Checkbox field type. Last Updated: October 11, 2016 When building forms you might have a particular feature enabled in a form. For example you might want a form to have a pre-selected […]