Mar 252015

WPtouch Plugin General Settings shows you how to set up the General Settings, Site Title and Byline, Display Mode and more.

Last Updated: February 17, 2023

Latest News: Updated the documentation.

The following instructions shows you how to manage and configure the general settings in the plugin’s admin panel. There are also some PRO version options for you to choose from if you have purchased the pro version.

WPtouch Plugin Tutorials:

WPtouch Plugin General Settings Steps

Step 1 ) Go to The following image WPtouch -> Settings -> General tab as illustrated in the image below to begin configuring the general settings in the plugin.


Step 2 ) The following settings allow you to select, enter and or enable the following options.

Mobile Site Title

  • WPtouch site title


  • Display WPtouch for mobile visitors
  • URL filtering PRO

Landing Pages

  • Mobile front page
  • Posts page = Here you can select the landing pages.


Desktop / Mobile Switching

  • Theme switch toggle = Shows a toggle in both the desktop mobile theme footers allowing users to switch between them.

Page Zoom

  • Allow mobile browser zooming

Smart App Banner

  • App Store ID PRO = Find your ID from the iTunes Link Maker.


  • Analytics Code PRO

WPtouch Love

  • Show powered by WPtouch link in theme footer


  • Theme Language = Here you can select the theme language or simply set it up to Auto-detect.
  • Also applies to admin



Click on Devices Settings to continue configuring the plugin.

If you have any questions please let me know.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

  3 Responses to “WPtouch Plugin General Settings”

  1. Thank you for this tutorial. Manuel. I’ve just found it and begun to go through it.

    General Settings Question:
    – given I’m minimally technical, am I best to leave Post settings at WordPress Reading Settings?



    • Hi Linda, try to set it up for WordPress Reading I am sure this will work. If that does not work for you then try one of the other options. Let me know if you need more help.

      Kind regards

  2. Oops, forgot to check the Notify me of comments box…

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