Mar 262015

WPtouch Theme Settings General shows you how to set up and configure the theme running in your site and much more.

Last Updated: February 17, 2023

Latest News: I have edited the customizer menu list below.

The following documentation shows you a list of options that allows you to customize WPtouch themes. If you are running one of your own themes, then when pressing the button it will take you to the customizer feature in WordPress.

WPtouch Plugin Tutorials:

WPtouch Theme Settings General Steps

Step 1 ) Click on WPtouch -> Customize Theme to set up the following options. Click on Go to the Customizer button as illustrated in the image below.


Step 2 ) The following menu will be displayed once you click on the button above.

Note: These settings are only displayed if you run one of the pro themes provided by WPtouch.

Menu List:

  • Site Identity
  • Colours
  • Blog
  • Blog Featured Slider
  • Blog Layout
  • Custom CSS
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Social Media Links
  • Social Sharing
  • Typography


Site Identity

  • Site Icon


  • Theme background
  • Header & Menu
  • Links
  • Post/Page Headers


  • Number of posts in post listings = Overrides the WordPress Reading settings for “Blog pages show at most”
  • Excluded categories = Comma separated by category name
  • Excluded tags = Comma separated by tag name
  • Post thumbnails
  • Thumbnail Type
  • Show post categories and tags
  • Show post date
  • Show post author
  • Show comment bubbles on posts
  • Use infinite scrolling for blog

Blog Featured Slider

  • Max number of featured posts
  • Featured posts also show in latest posts
  • Featured posts to display
  • Featured Slider Page

Blog Layout

  • Blog Appearance = You have 1 option in the free version List View.
  • Show featured posts slider
  • Show popular posts slider
  • Autoplay = This is visible once you select List View from above.

Custom CSS

  • Custom CSS Declarations


  • Custom footer content (HTML is allowed)


  • Site Logo
  • Menu animation style
  • Menu Position = Left side or Right side
  • Show search in header

Social Media Links

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • Tumblr
  • Pinterest
  • Vimeo
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Yelp
  • E-Mail
  • RSS

Social Sharing

  • Show sharing links on posts
  • Also show on pages
  • Sharing links location
  • Color scheme


  • Font Pairing



Click on the following URL WPtouch Plugin Tutorial Advanced to continue configuring the plugin.

If you have any questions please let me know.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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thirteen + eight =