Mar 132014

I have been following Paint Net Image Editor which is becoming a very powerful image editor just like Gimp and Photoshop but free like Gimp.

Last Updated: January 3, 2023

Latest news: Updated the changelog.

The difference between Paint.Net and Gimp is the learning curve. Paint.Net is very simple and easy to learn software. It is very similar to Windows Ms Paint. If you use Ms Paint then you will love because it was a project developed with the intention to replace Ms paint. It never replaced MS Paint but the developers decided to release it for free to the online community with the option to donate if you wish.

Latest version Paint.NET 4.3.12 (Released on August 20,  2022)

  • Fixed a bug when using Crop to Selection where the image would scroll away to the corner
  • Fixed a rendering bug in the brush tools that would cause some sections of the brush stroke to be rendered twice, making them darker
  • Added the PdnBaseForm.IsAppThemeDark property so that plugins with custom UI can more easily be dark theme aware
  • Fixed a rare crash in the rendering engine due to a race condition
  • Fixed a crash when using multiple monitors plugged into multiple GPUs from different manufacturers (e.g. AMD vs. NVIDIA), while moving the window between monitors (NotCurrentlyAvailableException)
  • Updated the bundled WebPFileType plugin to v1.3.14.0 (thanks @null54!). See its GitHub releases page for more info.
  • Updated the bundled AvifFileType to v1.1.20.0 (thanks @null54!). See its GitHub releases page for more info.

What You Need:

Paint Net Image Editor Tutorials:

  1. Paint Net Image Editor
  2. Paint Net Image Editor Top Menu Tools
  3. Paint Net Image Editor Top Right Menu
  4. Paint Net Image Editor Effects
  5. Paint Net Image Editor Top Right Menu Layers

Paint Net Image Editor

The following two images illustrates the differences between the two of them.

  1. 4.3.7
  2. Windows 10 Paint

This image belongs to Paint Net 4.3.7

paintnet image editor 4.3.7

This image belongs to Windows 10 MS Paint


A team of developers decided to keep on with the project and release it to the market for free.

I know that many of you out there are always looking for something easy, simple to use and not too heavy in resources. For example: Does not use too much memory “RAM”.

Click on the following URL Paint Net Image Editor Top Menu Tools to learn more about Paint Net.


This tutorial will be updated from time to time. If you have any questions please let me know.


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I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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