Feb 262015

Last Updated: July 07, 2015

Paint Net Image Editor Top Menu Tools will cover the following options Edit, File, View, Image, Layers, Adjustments and Effects.

Latest News: I have repaired an image broken link.

There are many options to select and configure. You need to spend some time to understand all of them. I will be adding more information very soon. Stay tuned.

Paint Net Image Editor Tutorials:

  1. Paint Net Image Editor
  2. Paint Net Image Editor Top Menu Tools
  3. Paint Net Image Editor Top Right Menu
  4. Paint Net Image Editor Effects
  5. Paint Net Image Editor Top Right Menu Layers

Paint Net Image Editor Top Menu Tools Steps

1 ) Click on File to manage the following options:

  • New
  • Open
  • Open Recent
  • Acquire
  • Close
  • Save
  • Save As
  • Print
  • Exit


2 ) Click on Edit to manage the following options.

  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Copy Merged
  • Paste
  • Paste into New Layer
  • Paste into New Image
  • Erase Selection
  • Fill Selection
  • Invert Selection
  • Select All
  • Deselect


3 ) Click on View to manage the following options.

  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Zoom to Window
  • Zoom to Selection
  • Actual Size
  • Pixel grid
  • Rulers
  • Pixels
  • Inches
  • Centimeters


4 ) Click on Image to manage the following options.

  • Crop to Selection
  • Resize
  • Canvas Size
  • Flip Horizontal
  • Flip Vertical
  • Rotate 90 degrees Clockwise
  • Rotate 90 degrees Counter-Clockwise
  • Rotate 180 degrees
  • Flatten


5 ) Click on Layers to work with the following tools:

  • Add New Layer
  • Delete Layer
  • Duplicate Layer
  • Merge Layer Down
  • Import From File
  • Flip Horizontal
  • Flip Vertical
  • Rotate / Zoom
  • Layer Properties


6 ) Click on Adjustments to select from the following options.

  • Auto-Level
  • Black and White
  • Brightness / Contrast
  • Curves
  • Hue / Saturation
  • Invert Colors
  • Levels
  • Posterize
  • Sepia


7 ) Click on Effects to select the following options:

  • Artistic
  • Blurs
  • Distort
  • Noise
  • Photo
  • Render
  • Stylize


Click on the following URL Paint Net Image Editor Top Right Menu to learn more.

I will update this tutorial from time to time. So keep coming back for the latest. If you have any questions please let me know.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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