Oct 302014

WordPress PayPal Donations Plugin Troubleshooting post will provide some answers to some of the most common asked questions.

Last Updated: June 9, 2023

Latest News: Updated the information below.

This is a list of common questions asked in wordpress.org support forum. I have created this list to help you troubleshoot some of the most common issues you might run into. If you can’t find an answer to your issue please click the following link PayPal donations support and create a support ticket. Someone will assist you as soon as possible.

What You Need:

WordPress PayPal Donations Plugin Tutorials:

WordPress PayPal Donations Plugin Troubleshooting

Q1 How do I add a shortcode to a page or post?

Answer: Simply type the following shortcode into a page or post.



Q2 What if I wanted to make a specific button for a specific purpose and add it to a post of page?

Answer: Simply type the following shortcode.

[paypal-donation purpose="Help The Animals" reference="Africa's Kingdom"]

The following are available arguments for the shortcode which you can use: purpose, reference, amount, return_page and button_url.


Q3 The Un-Encrypted Buttons are rejected by PayPal. Why is that?

Answer: This happens when the customers attempt to checkout, they receive the following error message.

“The seller accepts encrypted website payments only. You cannot pay the seller through unencrypted buttons. Please contact your seller for more details.”

This error is displayed because your PayPal Account Profile is set to only accept payments from “encrypted” buttons. However, your item button code is “not” encrypted. This condition interrupts the payment process and displays the error message. This is how all WordPress PayPal plugin buttons work. If your don’t want this message to be displayed, please follow the instructions below.

To turn off this option:
1. Log in to your PayPal Account.
2. Click “Profile” tab or “Edit Profile” link.
3. Under “Selling Preferences”, select “Website Payment Preferences”.
4. In the section titled “Encrypted Website Payments” select “Off”.
5. Click “Save”.


Q4 Will I know the email address and the amount of donation?

Answer: PayPal will send you an email automatically after you receive a donation. That email will have the donation amount that you received and who paid you.

When you receive that email, you can also log into your PayPal account and check more details of that transaction. (Answer provided by mra13 in the forum)


Q5 How do I add the PayPal button using HTML?

Answer: Currently the plugin is not set up to add buttons using HTML code. However you can try the following option.

1) Create a test page and put the donate button shortcode in that page (nothing but the shortcode only)
2) Publish the page then view it from the front-end.
3) View the HTML source of the page and then copy the bit for the button.

Then you can use that Code.


Q6 Does the plugin use cookies?

Answer: No.


Q7 After adding the paypal button, the email address has been found in plain text with Woorank tool. In addition, by inspecting the page source in the browser, the email address is entirely visible! How can I hide the email address in the PayPal donation button?

Answer: That is how a standard HTML paypal donation button works. Nothing wrong with it. It needs to be that way for the PayPal button to work correctly. Check the following support thread for more information.



Q1 We want to add a Donate button on the website that integrates with a nonprofit PayPal account that we are in the process of setting up. Does this plugin work with a nonprofit account?

Answer: This plugin works with any PayPal account so it should work with your non-profit account also. Check the following support thread for more information.


I will be adding more tips as I come across them from the wordpress.org forum and from tips and tricks hq websites.

If you have any questions please let me know.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

  2 Responses to “WordPress PayPal Donations Plugin Troubleshooting”

  1. Plugin throws IPN error after latest WordPress maintenance update and donations no longer update in the plugin. Does not cause error with processing. Started September 1

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