Dec 172013

CataBlog Admin Menu Options Part Two shows you how to set up the options in the admin menu part two. This follows on from Part One.

Last Updated: November 25, 2019

Latest News: Updated the documentation.

In this post you will learn how to set up and configure the following options in the admin settings. There are too many options to include in the one post. I have split up the options into two parts tutorials, Options Part One and Options Part Two.

Admin Menu Options Part Two

  • Title Link
  • Description
  • Import
  • Export
  • Systems

Remember: Always save your changes when editing Catablog options.

What You Need:

Admin Options Tutorials:

CataBlog Admin Menu Options Part Two

Step 1 ) Go to CataBlog -> Options as illustrated in the image to start configuring the plugin’s options settings.


Title Link Options

Step 2 ) Go to CataBlog -> Options -> Title Link as illustrated in the image below to start configuring the following options.

Title Link Options

  • Link Target
  • Link Relationship
  • Click on Save Changes when you finish or click on undo current changes link


Description Options

Step 3 ) Go to CataBlog -> Options -> Description as illustrated in the image below to start configuring the following options.

Description Options

  • Enable WordPress Filters
  • Render Line Breaks
  • Except Length
  • Click on Save Changes when you finish or click on undo current changes link


Import Options

Step 4 ) Go to go to CataBlog -> Options -> Import as illustrated in the image below to start configuring the following options.

Import Options

  • Choose File button
  • Replace All Data
  • Import CataBlog Data button
  • Click on Save Changes when you finish or click on undo current changes link


Export Options

Step 5 ) Go to CataBlog -> Options -> Export as illustrated in the image below to start configuring the following options.

Note: You might be interested in the following URL Options Export.

Export Options

  • Save XML Backup File
  • Save CSV Backup File
  • Click on Save Changes when you finish or click on undo current changes link


Systems Options

Step 6 ) Go to CataBlog -> Options -> Systems as illustrated in the image below to start configuring the following options.

Systems Options

  • Lock Folders or Unlock Folders
  • Rescan Original Image Folder
  • Regenerate All Images Now
  • Remove All CataBlog Data


I hope the above helps you set up the Options in the admin menu.

If you have any questions please let me know.


CataBlog tutorials list:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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