May 302017

WP Simple Membership Plugin Show Member Extra Info shows you how to add extra fields using shortcodes to display members extra data.

Last Updated: October 4, 2021

Latest News: Updated the documentation.

There are times when you might want to display extra information data for your members. This can be achieved in the members profile page. What this means is, when members log in to view their profile they will be able to see extra information about their account and more.

For example: What if you wanted the following fields last access IP address, or member since information displayed. There are many more other fields you can add on the profile page or a different page of your choice.

You could even create a page with the first and last name of the members in your site if you don’t have too many members. However if you have many members, this method would not work for you. In that case I recommend the following addon simple-membership-member-directory-listing-addon.

What You Need:

Addon Needed:

WP Simple Membership Plugin Show Member Extra Info

Step 1 )  Download, install and activate the addon mentioned above.

Step 2 )  Click the following link show members info to learn more about the available column fields that can be added in the shortcode.

Step 3 ) The following image shows you the different shortcodes added to the membership profile page. This page was created by default when you first installed and activated the plugin.

Note: Your profile URL might be different. To learn more about pages settings, click on the following URL WordPress Simple Membership Settings.

Member Extra Shortcode Added

  • Default page created by the plugin = /membership-join/membership-profile/
  • Default profile shortcode = [swpm_profile_form]
  • Member Since: [swpm_show_member_info column=”member_since”]
  • Last Access From IP Address: [swpm_show_member_info column=”last_accessed_from_ip”]

Other members Displayed

  • Other member displayed = [swpm_show_member_info column=”first_name” member_id=”11″]


Step 4 ) The following image displays the members extra information based on the shortcode added above. This information is displayed for the member to see when they visit their profile page.

Extra Details Displayed

  • Member Since = 2016-10-20
  • Last Access From IP Address = ::1
  • Other members = Bob

Note: The other member displayed was added for you to see the different information that can be added using different shortcode columns mentioned in Step 2 ) above.


Troubleshooting Steps

Step 5 ) If you add a shortcode and it does not display any information or it simply displays the shortcode, try the following.

  • Make sure the page or post is not protected for a different membership level.
  • Make sure the shortcode does not have improper double quotes added.
  • Make sure that addon is current and active.
  • Do you have a cache plugin that might be interfering with the addon.

The above are just some basic troubleshooting tips. If the above does not work please create a support ticket in the support forum.

That is all you need to do to add extra information for members.

If you have any questions please let me know.


Simple Membership Plugin Tutorial List:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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