Mar 152020

WP Express Checkout Add New Product shows you how to add new products in your site using a shortcode and more.

Last Updated: June 14, 2024

Latest News: Updated the documentation and added force download option.

In this tutorial I will show you how simple it is to sell products in your site using a shortcode. There are a few settings and options you can enable and set up for the product. Some of these settings are optional.

What You Need:

WP Express Checkout Add New Product

Step 1 ) Go to WP Express Checkout -> Add New Product to start adding products in your site. The first action to take is to give your product a name and add a description to your product. This is similar to adding new pages and posts in your site.

Step 2 ) The following is a list of options available for each product you add to your site. Make sure you read and understand how each feature works.

Note: You can drag and drop each feature up or down in the new product page.

New Products Options List

  • Price
  • Variations
  • Quantity & Stock
  • Download URL
  • Product Thumbnail
  • Thank You Page URL
  • Shipping & Tax
  • Appearance Related
  • Shortcode


Step 3 ) The following image Price allows you to set up the following options.

Price Type

  • One-time payment
  • Price



Step 3-a ) The following image allows you to set up the following options.

Donation Price

  • Donation
  • Minimum Donation Amount



Step 4 ) The following image Variations allows you to set up the following options.

Note: Click on the following documentation creating-product-with-variations to learn more.

Variations Options

  • Use only variations to construct final product price
  • Click on Create Group button to start creating the price variations for your products.


Step 4-a ) The following image allows you to set up and manage the following options.

Create Group Options

  • Group Name:
  • Display As:
  • Name
  • Price Mod
  • Product URL = You can click on the Select from Media Library button.
  • Click on Add Variation button to add new product variations.
  • Click on Create Group button when you finish setting up your product variations.


Quantity & Stock

Step 5 ) The following image Quantity & Stock allows you to set up the following options.

Quantity & Stock

  • Allow customers to specify quantity
  • Set Quantity
  • Enable stock control
  • Quantity Available


Download URL

Step 6 ) The following image Download URL allows you to set up the following options.

Download URL

  • URL of your product. = Note: If you are selling digital goods and you want to make sure the pdf file downloads instead of opening up on the browser, check the following link download-instead-of-showing-up-in-the-browser.
  • Click on Select File button.

Note: If you want to add more than one type of download for a product, use variation control feature. The following documentation creating-product-with-variations can help you. You can also add all the different types of downloads in a zip folder to download.

Variations Options


Step 6-a ) The following image allows you to set up the following option.

Note: Read the force download tutorial to learn how this feature works.

Force Download Option

  • Enable Force Download


Step 6-b ) The following image allows you to set up the following options.

Download Link Expiry Settings (Optional)

  • Duration of Download Link
  • Download Limit Count

Troubleshooting Downloads

Q1 I am having issues with downloading links. They don’t work.

Solution 1: Someone provided a solution in the forum post.


Product Thumbnail

Step 7 ) The following image Product Thumbnail allows you to set up the following options.

Product Thumbnail

  • URL of your product thumbnail.
  • Click on Select Image button. You can also click on Remove Image button to remove the image URL.


Thank You Page URL

Step 8 ) The following image Thank You Page URL allows you to set up the following option.

Thank You Page URL

  • Enter the Thank You Page URL for this product. Or leave it blank to accept the default Thank You Page created by the plugin.


Shipping & Tax

Step 9 ) The following image Shipping & Tax allows you to set up the following options.

Note: The following URL configuring shipping options has more information that can help you.

Shipping & Tax

  • This is a Physical Product
  • Shipping Cost
  • Shipping Cost Per Quantity
  • Tax (%)


Appearance Related

Step 10 ) The following image Appearance Related allows you to set up the following options.

Appearance Related

  • Button Options
    • Popup/Modal Trigger Button Text
  • Button Type
    • Checkout
    • Pay
    • PayPal
    • Buy Now


Coupons Settings

Step 11 ) The following image Coupons Settings allows you to set up the following options.

Coupons Settings Options

  • Use Global Setting
  • Enabled
  • Disabled


Per-Product Email Customization

Step 12 ) The following image Per-Product Email Customization allows you to set up the email customization on a per product basis. Note: You need to enable this feature in the settings before you can customize the emails per product. The following documentation per-product-email-customization-feature can help you further.



Step 12 ) The following image Shortcode provides the following information you can use to add the product to your page or post.


  • Shortcode = Use this shortcode to display this product in a post or page. Note: Check the following link Selling a Product to learn more.

Note: The product_id=”” number will be different in your site.


Link URL

Step 13 ) The following image Link URL provides the following information you can use to add the product to your page or post.

Link URL

  • Link URL = Use this URL to create a custom payment button using a text or image link. Note: Check the following link create a sharable payment link to learn more.

Note: The “?product_id=” number will be different in your site.



Step 14 ) The following image Publish allows you to manage when you will publish your product.

Note: Click the following URL Understand WordPress Posts Settings to learn how to set up and publish posts and pages.


  • Click on Save Draft button. Or you can click on Preview button.
  • Status:
  • Visibility:
  • Publish:



That is all you need to do to add a new product in your site using a shortcode.

I will be updating this post from time to time. So keep coming back for more.


WP Express Checkout Plugin Tutorial List:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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