Aug 112019
WP Database Cleaner Overview And Settings

WP Database Cleaner Overview And Settings tutorial shows you how to manage the admin menu display, the welcome message display and more. Last Updated: December 9, 2019 Latest News: Updated the documentation. The Overview & Settings tab in Advanced Database Cleaner plugin allows you to manage a few features. It also displays information about the database, your […]

Aug 172017
Create MySQL Database Locally Using Xampp

Create MySQL Database Locally Using Xampp shows you how to create a new database locally using  phpMyAdmin and assigned a new user with all privileges. In this tutorial you will learn how to create a new database and add a user with all the privileges assigned. Assigning all the privileges to a database user is […]

Oct 302016
WordPress Optimize Database Plugins

WordPress Optimize Database Plugins report, provides information on the following plugins Optimize Database After Deletion, WP-Optimize and more. Last Updated: July 8, 2024 Latest News: Updated the documentation. The list of plugins in this post will help you optimize your database and improve the performance of your website. As a general rule you should always have a […]