Apr 012018

The following Stripe Payments Plugin Email Settings tutorial shows you how to set up the emails settings for the buyer and seller and more.

Last Updated: December 5, 2022

Latest News: Updated the documentation.

This tutorial shows you how to customize the email to the seller and buyer. You can also use email tags to customize further the e-mails. There is a field that allows you to customize the subject. You can enable the option to send a receipt to the buyer after they purchase a product successfully.

What You Need:

Stripe Payments Plugin Email Settings

Step 1 ) Go to Stripe Payments -> Settings -> Email Settings as illustrated in the following image to set up the following options.

Stripe Email Settings

  • Send Receipt Email From Stripe
  • Send Emails to Buyer After Purchase


Step 2 ) The following image allows you to set up the following fields.

Stripe Email Settings Part 1

  • From Email Address
  • Buyer Email Subject


Stripe Buyer Email Body Settings

Step 3 ) The following image Buyer Email Content Type allows you to select Plain Text or HTML for the body content.


Step 3-a ) The following image Buyer Email Body allows you to customize the buyers e-mail body using plain text or html and using email tags.

Buyer Email Body

  • Select Visual or Text
  • Click on the tags hints links to view the tags you can use in the buyer e-mail body.


Step 4 ) The following image allows you to enable and set up the following fields.

Stripe Email Settings Part 2

  • Send Emails to Seller After Purchase
  • Notification Email Address
  • Seller Email Subject


Stripe Seller Email Body Settings

Step 5 ) The following image Seller Email Content Type allows you to select Plain Text or HTML for the body content.

Step 5-a )  The following image Seller Email Body allows you to customize the sellers e-mail body with additional email tags.

Seller Email Body

  • Select Visual or Text
  • Click on the tags hints links to view the tags you can use in the seller e-mail body.


Transaction Error Email Settings

Step 6 ) The following image Transaction Error Email Settings allows you to enable and set up the following options.

Transaction Error Email Settings

  • Send Email On Payment Failure
  • Send Error Email To


Daily Transaction Rate Limit Email Settings

Step 7 ) The following image Daily Transaction Rate Limit Email Settings allows you to enable and set up the following options.

Daily Transaction Rate Limit Email Settings

  • Send Email On Daily Transaction Rate Limit
  • Send Transaction rate Limit Email To


Additional Email Settings

Step 8 ) The following image Additional Email Settings allows you to enable and set up the following options.

Additional Email Settings

  • Send Email in Parallel
  • Finally when you are happy with your settings click on Save Changes button.



Q1 How do I make email tags work in the email subject?

Solution 1: One of the developers has developed a small plugin to help you achieve this. Click on the following link support forum to learn more.



Q1 When I add an image to the email body, the image does not show up in the email. What is causing this issue?

Solution 1: Make sure you have selected HTML for content type in the settings.

Solution 2: The issue could be related to your server not allowing images to display in other websites.

Solution 3: If you use CDN services, then perhaps you have enabled a security features that is blocking images. For example someone had the following feature anti-bot protection enabled in cloudflare. He created this rule because his website received a lot of spam. You can read more about this solution in the following support thread.

Q2 How do I check my e-mail notifications issues?

Solution: Enable Debug mode and check the log files for a lines similar to the example below.

[03/26/2019 4:34 PM] - Notification email sent to buyer: [email protected], From email address used: [email protected]
[03/26/2019 4:34 PM] - Notification email sent to seller: [email protected], From email address used: [email protected]

If your debug log has similar lines – it means the plugin sends emails properly. The plugin cannot control whether the e-mails are delivered or not. You can read more about the solution in the following forum post.


That is all you need to do to set up the email settings in the plugin.

I will be updating this post from time to time. So keep coming back for more.


Stripe Payments Plugin Tutorials:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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