Apr 252014

Joomla Recommendations post provides a list of plugins and services I recommend to run a more secure and stable version of Joomla.

Last Updated: April 14, 2023

Latest Update: I have fixed a broken link.

I will be adding more to this list as I test and read more reviews about other plugins. In the future I will be adding more information on each plugin including the version and issues that might occur.

The information added against each plugin is what you will find on their website.


Seo boss

SEO Boss provides a rich set of tools and configuration settings which are indispensable for site search engine optimization (SEO).
Using SEO Boss you can:
– Change meta tags like Title, Keywords, Decription on any content page (Articles and Categories).
– Generate Meta Tags automatically.
– Easy find which pages have weak meta information (empty values in meta tags).
– Automatically hilight all keywords on your page by specified tags (strong, for example).
– Auomatically replace specified patterns by H1..Hn tags.
– Track you site position in Google search result list for different keywords.
– Manage outgoing links. It can replace specified outgoing links to some page on your site, which will actually redirect users to original URL.
– Override any meta tag on you site or add new one. For example, you can specify what should be displayed in your ‘meta name=”Author”..’ or ‘meta name=”Generator”..’ tags.
– Automatically ping Google Blog Search Ping Service when new article is created
– Provides SEO management for K2, VirtueMart, JoomSport, Cobalt7 components


System – AdminExile (This link is causing too many issues. I am currently looking for an alternative plugin.)

Attackers can easily determine that your site runs Joomla! by typing “/administrator”. That’s too easy! AdminExile allows an administrator to add an access key to the end of the URL which will redirect wrong entries to the homepage, 404 page, or anywhere else without ever seeing the administrator login panel.

New since Version 1.6 – Option to use key + value instead of only a key. You can now configure the plugin to require a value to go along with the key:
Normal Use : /administrator?adminexile
Key + Value: /administrator?adminexile=ROCKS


Admin Tools

Admin Tools is a Joomla! extension bundle which strives to enhance your site’s security, make common administration tasks easier and even allow you to update your core Joomla! installation with a single click. This category contains the downloads for both Admin Tools Core (the free version) and Admin Tools Professional (the for-a-fee version with extra security features).

Important: This version requires PHP 5.3 or later and Joomla! 2.5.6 or later.

OUTDATED PHP VERSION ——->>> If you are running PHP 5.2 then you will see this warning.

You are using an outdated version of PHP which is not properly supported by Akeeba Backup. Please upgrade to PHP 5.3 or later as soon as possible. Future versions of Akeeba Backup will not work at all on PHP 5.2.


Akeeba Backup

Akeeba Backup is our award-winning full site backup component for Joomla! sites. Inside its releases you will find Akeeba Backup Core (the free version) and Akeeba Backup Professional (the subscription-based version with extra features), as well as documentation in PDF format.

Not all versions of Akeeba Backup are compatible with all Joomla! and PHP versions! If you have PHP 5.1 and/or Joomla! 1.6, please use Akeeba Backup 3.2.7 and upgrade your server and/or site software as soon as possible.


Joomla Services

https://www.usjoomlaforce.com/ Us Joomla Force for all your Joomla migration and other services.

My Joomla audit 


A unique audit tool for Joomla! A suite of amazing tools geared to making your Joomla! experience more safe and secure ( I had to remove the link to their website because it was producing a 500 notice when testing but the website is still very much active)


I hope this list helps you and meets your requirements, if you feel I should add any other plugins, let me know and I will look into it.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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