Sep 212021

WP eStore Plugin Add Edit Products Part 1 tutorial shows you how to add and edit products for your shopping cart.

The following tutorial shows you the extra options available for your products. The following is a list of features covered in this tutorial.

  • Additional Product Details Options
  • Digital Content Details
  • Variations
  • Shipping & Tax
  • Inventory Control

What You Need:

  • WordPress eStore (Note: This is an affiliated link = I get a small commission if you make a purchase.)

WP eStore Plugin Add Edit Products Part 1

Step 1 ) The following image Additional Product Details allows you to set up the following options.

Additional Product Details Options Part 1

  • Product Description
  • Thumbnail Image URL = Upload File
  • Thumbnail Target URL
  • Old Price
  • Additional Product Images.


Step 1-a ) The following image allows you to set up the following options.

Additional Product Details Options Part 2

  • Old Price
  • Additional Product Images
  • Product Page URL
  • Product Category (If you have not added a category yet and you wish to add one, click on Add a Category to add one.


Step 1-b ) The following image allows you to set up the following options.

Additional Product Details Options Part 3

  • Button Image URL = Upload File
  • Button Redirect Target URL
  • Display Quantity Field
  • Allow Customers to Specify a Price


Step 1-c ) The following image allows you to set up the following options.

Additional Product Details Options Part 4

  • Collect Customer Input
  • Product Specific Commission
    • Primary Commission:
    • 2nd Tier Commission:
  • Reference Text


Digital Content Details

Step 1 ) The following image Digital Content Details allows you to set up the following options.

Digital Content Details Options Part 1

  • Digital Product URL
  • Downloadable
  • Selling Pay Per View Content?


Step 1 ) The following image allows you to set up the following options.

Digital Content Details Options Part 2

  • Duration of Download Link
  • Download Limit Count



Step 2 ) The following image Variations allows you to set up the following options.

Variations Options

  • Product Variation 1
  • Product Variation 2
  • Product Variation 3
  • Digital Product Variation


Shipping & Tax

Step 3 ) The following image Shipping & Tax allows you to set up the following options.

Shipping & Tax Options

  • Item Shipping Cost
  • Item Weight
  • Item Specific Tax


Inventory Control

Step 4 ) The following image Inventory Control allows you to set up the following options.

Inventory Control Options

  • Available Copies
  • Sales Count
  • Quantity Limit Per Customer



I will be updating this post from time to time. So keep coming back for more. If you have any questions please let me know.


WordPress eStore Plugin Tutorial List:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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