Jan 242017

Export Template Toaster Theme And Import Into WordPress post will show you how to save and export a theme and then how to import the theme into WordPress.

Last Updated: March 22, 2017

I will share with you how simple it is to work with Template Toaster software to export a theme into a zip folder so that you can import it into WordPress.

In this post you will learn how to save a theme and export your theme locally to your computer/laptop. Then you will learn how to log into WordPress as admin so that you can import the theme. This is a standard WordPress method to import themes.

Note: Before you read on, make sure you have template toaster open in your computer/laptop.

Export Template Toaster Theme And Import Into WordPress

Step 1 ) First you should save your theme designed. You should perform this regularly just in case the software crashes or your computer shuts down and you loose all your work.

Click on File -> Save or Save As, as illustrated in the following image.


Step 2 ) Once you have completed the theme and saved it, click on File -> Export to export your theme locally in your computer/laptop. See image below.


Step 2-a ) After you click on Export as pointed out above, you will see the following window. This will give you a few options to choose from. See image below.

Export WordPress Theme

  • Folder
  • Zip
  • Rigth To Left Language Support.
  • WooCommerce Compatible.
  • File Name
  • Path
  • Once you have completed your selection above click on Export button.


Step 2-b ) After you click on Export as pointed out above, you will see the following window. If you click Yes button a URL will open up in your default browser with instructions. If you don’t want this window to to show up again simply enable Don’t show me again.


Step 3 ) Once you have completed all of the above, you need to import your theme into WordPress. Log into your WordPress website as admin. Click on Appearance -> Themes as illustrated in the following image.

Note: This is the standard method of importing a theme into WordPress.


Step 3-a ) Then you click on Add New button as illustrated in the following image.


Step 3-b ) Then you click on Upload Theme button as illustrated in the following image.


Step 3-c ) Then you click on Choose File button and search for the Template Toaster theme you exported above. Then click on Install Now button once you are ready to install the new theme as illustrated in the following image. Once you have installed your new theme all you have to do is activate your theme.

Note: You will need to test the theme before going live. So I suggest that you click on Live Preview button before activating the theme.


Step 3-d ) After you activate the theme you will see the following option. Import website content? This allows you to import your website content into the theme. Click Yes button if that is what you want to do.


That is how simple it is to export a theme from Template Toaster and import the theme into WordPress.

Click on the following URL Template Toaster WordPress Theme Customize Options to learn more.

If you have any questions please let me know. There will be more tutorials coming soon.

Keep coming back for more.


Go Back To Template Toaster Tutorials:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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