Oct 072020

VPS 500 Internal Server Error Dropbox post will guide you in correcting the server error between your VPS and dropbox using ManageWP services.

Last Updated: October 7, 2020

Latest News: Moved the post from mbrsolutionhost to mbrsolution.

Lucky for me I receive great support from Managewp staff. They are unbelievable in the way they provide solutions and the way they help you.

Servers Specs.

  • Centos 6.5
  • WHM 11.44.1 (build 19)

Credit for this tutorial is to be given to the following ManageWP staff for their help.

  • Nemanja
  • Olivera
  • Nebojsa
  • Petar
  • And a special thanks to Bojan for his great sever knowledge.

I was having issues delivering my backups between my VPS and Dropbox through Managewp. I was always receiving the following error message. See image below.


VPS 500 Internal Server Error Dropbox Steps

The 500 error seems to be related to the site server timeout that cuts the connection between ManageWP and the site server, but the PHP continues running in the background.

These are some of the suggestions to fix the timeout issue.

Step 1 ) PHP parameters that can cut the running script:

These parameters can be found at php.ini file, usually located in the /etc/php(5)/..

  • max_execution_time: “600?
  • max_input_time: “600?
  • memory_limit: “256M”
  • file_uploads: “On”
  • upload_max_filesize: “20M”
  • post_max_size: “20M”
  • max_file_uploads: “20?

These parameters can be found only if you are using fastcgi, and locations can vary, I suggest searching with find or grep command for those.

  • FcgidIdleTimeout 600
  • FcgidIOTimeout 600
  • FcgidProcessLifeTime 600

Also, check web-server timeouts and configuration, it can be found at /etc/httpd or /etc/apache2 or /etc/nginx depending on which web-server is running.

  • Apache : check timeouts
  • nginx: proxy_read_timeout = 600
  • fastcgi_read_timeout = 600

Step 2 ) The following images illustrates some of the changes made to correct the 500 server timeout issue.

Go to Home -> Server Configuration -> Tweak Settings -> PHP to change the following settings.


Go to Home -> Service Configuration -> Apache Configuration -> Global Configuration to make the following changes.

Note: You can check my previous post vps-server-htaccess-403-error for a visual illustration.


All of the above improved the functionality of the VPS but the error still persisted. The following changes plus the above fixed the 500 error timeout.

Step 3 ) The final changes that finally fixed the issue was made within Apache web-server configuration via terminal, after that everything worked well without any more 500 errors.

To carry out the following changes you need to go to the following path /usr/local/apache/conf/php.conf.

Timeouts Additional Changes:

  • ProcessLifeTime 7200
  • IPCConnectTimeout 600
  • IPCCommTimeout 600

After the above is carried out, reset the PHP and Apache for the configuration to be implemented.

I hope the above helps you with your VPS.

If you have any questions please let me know. I will be updating this tutorial from time to time. Come back to read the latest updates.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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