Apr 012014

Virus Hoax, Fraud and Email post talks about different types of e-mail frauds circulating around the globe. People keep falling for these kinds of traps.

Last Updated: June 2, 2021

Latest News: Updated the documentation.

The list below has some useful links, which I also use to check the fraud e-mails I receive. I recommend that you use these links to do your own checking and if you can please consider sharing them with your love ones and friends.

Virus Hoax, Fraud and Email

The following is an example of an e-mail Hoax being sent to people around the world. If you ever receive this e-mail make sure you disregard it and delete it straight away. The reason being, it is a hoax e-mail being circulated. Please forward this information to your colleagues, family and friends.

Note: If you ever receive an e-mail that looks to good to be true, then it is. Delete the e-mail straight away.

Subject: Fw: Please forward on, it has been confirmed by Telstra & Australia Police

Hi Everyone,
Please read below and pass on to your family & friends.

I got a call last night from an individual identifying himself as an Telstra Service technician who was conducting a test on our
Telephone lines.
He stated that to complete the test I should touch nine(9),zero ( 0), hash (#) and then hang up.
Luckily, I was suspicious and refused. Upon contacting the telephone company, I was informed that by pushing 90#, you give the
Requesting individual full access to your telephone line, which allows
Them to place long distance telephone calls billed to your home phone number.
I was further informed that this scam has been originating from many of the local gaols/prisons.
DO NOT press 90# for ANYONE. PLEASE pass this on to your friends.
If you have mailing lists and/or newsletters from organizations you are connected with, I encourage you to pass this on

Stephen Cooper
Detective Senior Constable 29748
Victoria Police State Crime Squads
Level 12, 412 St. Kilda Road , Melbourne
(03) 9865 2663 or 0414644499
[email protected]

The following is a list of websites, you can use to check any hoax or fraud e-mails you have received.

  • Sopes: The definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation.
  • Truth or fiction: Get the truth about rumors, inspirational stories, virus warnings, hoaxes, scams, humorous tales, pleas for help, urban legends, prayer requests, calls to action, and other forwarded emails.
  • Common Mobile Phone Scams: The Most Common Mobile Phone Scams & How to Avoid Them

The following URL https://www.top10vpn.com/guides/elder-fraud/ provides information, examples etc that can help seniors, carers learn how to identify fraud and scams. This is a very good read and if you can, please share this link through social media and e-mails to family, friends and work colleagues.

If you know of any more sites to add to the above list, please let me know.

Thank you

PC Tips And Tricks Tutorial List:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in wordpress.org forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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