Mar 242014

PortableApps Platform Settings Options show you how to set up and configure the platform theme, advanced settings, color and more.

Last Updated: March 14, 2017

Latest News: I have updated the information and images below.

PortableApps Platform Tutorials:

  1. USB Memory Stick PortableApps
  2. PortableApps Platform Settings
  3. PortableApps Platform Settings Options

PortableApps Platform Settings Options Steps

Step 1 ) Click on General tab to set up the following options.

Display Options

  • Use Large Fonts
  • Menu Transparency


  • Select Your Language
  • Use this language for all portable apps

App List Organization

  • Smart with Categories – Favorites and recent apps on first screen. All apps by category on second.
  • Smart Alphabetical – Favorites and recent apps on first screen. All apps Alphabetically on second.
  • Show All with Categories – Favorites listed first then all other apps grouped by category.
  • Show All Alphabetically –  Favorites listed first then all other apps listed alphabetically.

Click on Ok button once you finish selecting your settings


The following image Off (100% Opacity) lets you select the opacity percentage from the drop down menu.


The following image allows you to select your language.


Step 2 ) Click on Connection tab to set up the following options.

Connection Type

  • Automatic (Recommended)
  • Direct Connection (No Proxy)
  • Manual Proxy Configuration: HTTP Proxy IP: and Port:


Step 3 ) Click on Themes tab to set up the following options.

  • Select your theme of choice
  • Select the color of your choice for your theme

Click on Ok button once you finish selecting your settings



Step 3 ) Click on Advanced tab to set up the following options.

Check For Updates

  • On platform startup
  • Update to Beta platform releases

App Directory Settings

  • Show Only Open Source Apps
  • Show Advanced Apps (Beta, Test, etc)
  • Show Installed Apps

Other Advanced Options

  • Screen reader friendly selections in updater and app directory
  • Hide desktop icons
  • Expand categories by default
  • Collapse other categories when one is expanded
  • Collapse categories on minimize
  • Bold categories
  • Bold Favorites
  • Disable App Splash Screens – (where supported)
  • Hide “Portable” in app names
  • Disable Scrollbar
  • Close Apps On Platform Exit
  • Search within app descriptions when searching

Click on Ok button once you finish selecting your settings



Step 4 ) The following image Search allows you to select from the following options.

  • Search Installed Apps
  • Search This Drive
  • Search This Computer
  • Search The Web



Step 5 ) The following image Help allows you to select from the following options.

  • Support
  • Donate to
  • Check For Updates
  • Check Drive For Errors = This allows you to check your current device for errors
  • Twitter (@PortableApps)
  • About


Step 5-1 ) The following image Checking Drive (F:) for errors lets you know that the job has started.


Step 5-2 ) The following image Checking Drive (F:) for errors lets you know that the job has completed and no errors have been found. Press any key to continue….


Step 6 ) The following image provides you with two options.

  • Click on the arrow pointing up to close down PortableApps platform and unmount the external USB memory stick.
  • Click on the X to close down the PortableApps platform “This option will not unmount the memory stick”.


You have now completed setting up your PortableApps Platform.

I will be updating this post from time to time. So keep coming back for more. If you have any question please send me an e-mail or leave a comment.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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