Mar 142012

Fix Joomla Common Errors is a list of the most common errors that users experience. I will be adding more as I come across while helping users to resolve their issue and on other sites.

Last Updated: June 15, 2016

  • I updated or created a new article, when I view it on my browser it has not changed. Some common solutions is to clear the cache on your browser and the cache in the back-end of joomla Site >> Maintenance >> Global check in, Clear Cache and Purge Expired Cache. Have a look at the following image. Clear option 1, 2 and 3. Most of the time just clearing the cache in option 2 is more than enough.

Joomla Clear Cache

  • Running Joomla locally using xampp. Here is a great article that will help you and guide to troubleshoot some common errors that occur using xampp. Have a look at the following link setting up your work station for joomla development.
  • Infinite loop detected in jerror joomla 1.7, there are few reasons this could occur one of them being the tmp folder’s path is not set correctly and another could be the password is not type correctly in the configuration.php file. The following post tmp folder issue  is in regards to the tmp folder’s path being typed incorrectly in the joomla forum and the following link is in regards to the password issue in the configuration.php file.
  • How to move your local joomla to a server, I came across this tutorial and I felt it would be great to add it here. The author shows you how to move your joomla installed locally in your computer to a live server. Click on hte following link move joomla from local to an online server.
  • Joomla 2.5.2 corrupted the editor and does not allow you to format articles. The solution is to change the admin textfilter tab in Global configuration page from “standard blacklist” to “no filtering”. That solves the problem.

If you have any questions please let me know.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

  9 Responses to “Fix Joomla Common Errors”

  1. I keep getting strange errors in my website, I believe them to be cache related, but no natter how many times I clear the cache they keep coming back. I have Qlue 404 installed in my website and it keeps recording 404 Errors for components from a previously installed template that no longer exists. I would appreciate any help you can provide me.

    • Hello Jose, thank you for your question.

      1) If you are receiving 404 errors and you say that you have deleted the cache, is that the Joomla cache and or the browser cache?

      2) What Joomla version are you running?

      3) You also mentioned that you deleted an old template. Are you sure there is no trace of the template any more? Try login into your server through cpanel or ftp and check the templates available.

      4) If you have a google account check with Webmasters Tools, it will also help you trace any 404 errors.

      Let me know how you go.

      Kind regards

      • Wow… Thank you very much for your fast response.. Yes I have cleared the Jooma cache… I am running version 2.5.14… Here are a couple of samples of the errors that I am receiving:

        404 Page Not Found

        404 Page Not Found

        • Hello Jose, those errors looks like they are from some cache. I think your joomla cache is not working correctly. Also try and check your joomla from the server side. I am sure that you will be able to trace where those links are coming from.

          Kind regards

          • Yes I figured it has to be a cache issue, but I have no clue as to what to do… I am a newby… I have only been using Joomla for a few months… I would appreciate any pointers that you can give me…

          • Hello Jose, also make sure that you have emptied all your deleted documents. I will see if I can create a tutorial for those who are having problems or are beginners like yourself. Remember if you can have access to your server, there is a folder in your server that keeps cache and or temp files. Your Joomla installation will also create a cache folder on your server. These files need to be deleted from time to time. Find out from your host what cache files are kept and or where is the temp folder on your server.

            Kind regards

  2. Thank you for your response.. I will try to explain what you’ve told me to the support team of my VPS, I hope they will understand what I mean…When you post the tutorial please make sure to contact me.

    • Hello Jose no problem. I hope your server administrator’s can help you with your problem. I see from your comment that you are using VPS. As soon as I have the tutorial publish I will let you know. If you have any more questions don’t hesitate to ask me. It will be my pleasure to assist you further.

      Kind regards

    • Hello Jose I have completed the tutorial. Here is the link delete-joomla-cache-tutorial. I will be updating this tutorial from time to time so come and check it and if you feel that I have left out something please let me know.

      Kind regards

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