Sep 092013

Delete Joomla Cache tutorial helps you to delete the cache. It also helps you to delete the tmp, components, plugins and modules files from the server.

This tutorial is based on the latest Joomla 3 version. I will be making changes as the new Joomla versions are released.

Delete Joomla Cache Steps:

1 ) Log into your Joomla website as adminitrator. Click on Clear Cache. See image below.

delete joomla3 cache-dashboard

2 ) You will see three options, CheckinClear Cache and Purge Expired Cache. In the following step Clear Cache we are checking to see if there is anything to clear. As you can see there is nothing to select so there is nothing to clear. See image below.

delete joomla3 cache-clear-cache

3 ) Click on Purge Expired Cache and then click on the Purge expired button. See image below.

delete joomla3-cache-purge-expired-cache

4 ) Click on Checkin and select the fields in the Database Table which have a number value next to them. Then click on Check In. See image below.

delete joomla3 cache-checkin

5 ) Now we are going to delete any Content that we added to the recycle bin. Click on Content >> Article Manager. See images below.

delete joomla3 cache-content-menu

While you are in Articles select Filter >> Select Status >> Trashed. See image below.

delete joomla3 cache-articles-trashed

While you are in Categories select Filter >> Select Status >> Trashed. See image below.

delete joomla3 cache-category-trashed

While you are in Featured Articles select Filter >> Select Status >> Trashed. See image below.

delete joomla3 cache-feature-article-trashed

 6 ) Click on Template Manager and select which template to delete. See image below.

Important: Make sure the template is not currently being used on your website. 

delete joomla3 cache-template-manager

Joomla Server Side:

 7 ) You can also delete Components, Plugins, Modules and Templates while you are logged into Joomla as administrator.

Once you have deleted them it is wise to check your server to make sure they have been removed from the server. I always use FTP to log into the server.

While you are logged into your server you can also empty your TMP folders from the server and joomla path and your cache folder from your Joomla path. See images below.

delete joomla3 cache-modules

delete joomla3 cache-components

delete joomla3 cache-plugins

delete joomla3 cache-templates

delete joomla3 cache


tmp folder in your Joomla directory path.

delete joomla3 cache-tmp

tmp folder in your server path.

delete joomla3 cache-server-tmp

That is all you have to do to delete your cache, template and other files left behind. You might also want to delete your local browser cache.

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. I keep updating this tutorial from time to time so keep coming back for the latest. If you have any questions or request please leave a message here.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

  6 Responses to “Delete Joomla Cache Tutorial”

  1. Hi manuel

    this solution is when we work on admin interface, how do we clear all the cache via phpmyadmin or database?
    on my drupal blog i just execute this query
    DELETE FROM cache;
    DELETE FROM cache_block;

    i cant seems to find cache table in joomla database

    • Hi, sorry I have not worked with Joomla for a while. However, as far as I know the cache files are stored in a cache folder. So I don’t think it is possible to delete the cache files via phpMyAdmin. All you need to do is delete the files found in the cached folder or directory.

      Let me know if the above make sense to you.

      Kind regards

      • hi manuel

        thanks for your reply

        this is my first experience using joomla as cms …so basically just delete the temp Folder? it wont break anything on live site (styling,code etc)?

        • Hi, if what you mean by temp folder is the folder inside the cache directory then yes. Delete all the files found inside the temp folder. I assume your directory structure would be /cache/temp/.

          Kind regards

  2. Cache can be only cleared under folders.

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