Aug 102018

WordPress Admin Menu Tools post helps you run a few tools included with WordPress. These tools need to be installed after setting up WordPress.

Last Updated: July 3, 2019

Latest News: I updated the information below.

The following list of tools are available for you by WordPress to help you manage your site further. The default tools available when you first install WordPress will be more than enough for most of you. In some cases you will need to search the WordPress repository for other tools “plugins”.

WordPress Admin Menu Tools

Step 1 ) Go to Tools as illustrated in the following image to run the following tools while logged in as an administrator.

WordPress Tools

  • Available Tools
  • Import
  • Export
  • Site Health
  • Export Personal Data
  • Erase Personal Data


Step 2 ) Click on Tools -> Available Tools as illustrated in the following image to view the tools available. In the following image you can click on the following link Categories and Tags Converter.


Import Tools

Step 3 ) Click on Tools -> Import as illustrated in the following image to view the tools available for importing. In the following image you can see the following list of tools you can install in your site.

Import Tools List 1

  • Blogger
  • Blogroll
  • Categories and Tags Converter
  • LiveJournal
  • Movable Type and Typepad


Step 3-a ) The following image displays a list of tools you can install in your site.

Import Tools List 2

  • RSS
  • Tumblr
  • WordPress
  • If you can’t find the tools you need for your site you can always click on the following link Search the plugin directory to search for more tools.


Export Tools

Step 4 ) Click on Tools -> Export as illustrated in the following image to select what data to export.

Note: In this example some of the content data is added by other plugins. In your case you will have different content displayed.

Export Tools Options

  • All content
  • Posts = WordPress default
  • Pages = WordPress default
  • Ads = Added by a plugin
  • Pricing Tables = Added by a plugin
  • Ad Packs = Added by a plugin
  • Membership Packs = Added by a plugin
  • Orders = Added by a plugin
  • Media = WordPress default
  • Click on Download Export File button when you are ready to export your data.


Site Health

Step 5 ) Click on Tools -> Site Health as illustrated in the following image to check the health status of your site.

Note: In this example some of the content data is added by other plugins. In your case you will have different content displayed.

Site Health Options

  • Recommended improvements
  • Passed tests
  • Info tab allows you to collect, copy and paste technical information collected from your site. You can then choose to submit this information to other parties when troubleshooting issues in your site.


Export Personal Data

Step 6 ) Click on Tools -> Export Personal data as illustrated in the following image to select what data to export.


Erase Personal Data

Step 7 ) Click on Tools -> Erase Personal Data as illustrated in the following image to select what data to erase.



The tools mentioned above should help you manage and troubleshoot your WordPress site better.

I will update this tutorial from time to time. Make sure you come back for the latest updates.

If you have any questions please let me know.


I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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