Sep 022015

Avoid Certain Words On eBay post reminds you about certain words that you cannot use on eBay. If you do you will be penalized.

Hello again how is the sales coming along? Have you made plenty of money yet? I want to share with you an experience that I encountered while selling an item for a dear friend of mine.

I was very happy with what I had written for the item. I had some great photos and to my knowledge everything was set in place and that made me happy. So I listed the item and it was up and running. On the same day I started checking to see how it was coming along, you know what I mean. You sit there watching to see if you get any bidders or even questions asked, the usual when you start selling ?

On the second day I noticed that the item had been removed by eBay. I could not believe it, my first reaction was; Why? What have I done wrong? Anyhow I saw a message so I clicked on the message tab and there it was. The reason why eBay had removed the listing was because I used the word, “make an offer”, now at first I did not believe that a simple word could get my listing removed. But it did and as I read more into it, I realized that using such a word puts the bidders at a disadvantage. So the word that I used to replace, “make an offer” was “make your best bid” or “place your best bid to win the item”. See the difference between offer and bid. So the moral of the story here is, be careful which words you use when you are copy writing or else you could find yourself in the same situation as I did. Oh by the way before I forget I had to complete a small tutorial online before eBay allowed me to re list the item again.

I hope this information helps you with your wording and to avoid certain words. That is all for now and keep smiling and enjoy your selling experience.

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I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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