Mar 072016

Remove Right Side Credit Suffusion Footer post shows you how to remove the credential found on the right hand side of the footer when you install Suffusion.

Last Updated: March 09, 2016

In this post you will learn how to remove Sayontan Sinha credit information displayed on the right side of the footer. This is one of the best methods you can implement without your edited information being lost by updating the theme in the future.

Note: Remember when ever you update the theme any custom settings carried out on theme’s raw files will be lost. 

I always leave the developer’s credit link on the themes footer when it is a Free Theme unless I pay the developer a fee to remove the credit link. I like to promote their great work and having their link in my blogs footer allows me to show respect and appreciation for their hard work.

The information below is a combination of information I picked up in the forum from Sayontan, Colin, Drake and others.

Remove Right Side Credit Suffusion Footer Steps

Step 1 ) First you need to create a Child Theme. This will prevent you from loosing your settings when ever you update the theme again.

Step 2 ) Once you have created your child theme then create another folder underneath your child theme and name it custom.

Note: If you installed the Child Theme mentioned in the link above, you will notice the custom folder is already created for you. 

After you have created the custom folder copy the following file site-footer.php located in the following path /wp-content/themes/suffusion/custom/ into this folder. This can be done via FTP.

Step 3 ) Edit the site-footer.php file. You can edit the file while you are logged in as admin or you can download the file via FTP and edit it locally and then upload it again.

In the file you will see the following HTML code.

<div id=”cred”>
<td class=”cred-left”><?php $strip = stripslashes($suf_footer_left); $strip = wp_specialchars_decode($strip, ENT_QUOTES); echo do_shortcode($strip); ?></td>
<td class=”cred-center”><?php $strip = stripslashes($suf_footer_center); $strip = wp_specialchars_decode($strip, ENT_QUOTES); echo do_shortcode($strip); ?></td>
<td class=”cred-right”><a href=””>Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha</a></td>

All you need to focus on is class=”cred-right” entry. The other two entries above are controlled from the themes Appearance -> Suffusion Options -> Other Graphical Elements -> Footer.

Simply replace the following <a href=””>Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha</a> with your own information.

Note: Do not delete, just edit the entry. By doing this, it will not mess up your bottom footer.

An example of what you can add is <a href=””>Website designed by ….</a>. That will leave the other two entries in the footer for you to add other information.

Step 4 ) The above might not suite you because you either don’t have the knowledge or might not like to edit theme files especially PHP files. This little trick below can also help.

Add the following CSS to Appearance -> Suffusion Options -> Back-end -> Custom Includes -> Custom Styles.

.cred-right {
	display: none;

That is all you need to remove the credential in the right hand side of the footer.

If you have any questions please let me know.


More suffusion tutorials:

I have been working in IT since 1999 and I enjoy the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I have been writing tutorials since 2011. Now I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

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